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posted by martyb on Wednesday June 08 2016, @09:17AM   Printer-friendly
from the build-a-space-elevator-on-the-moon dept.

NASA seems hell bent to go to Mars, but can't afford to on its own.
Its international partners have no stomach for that — they would would rather return to our moon and build a base there for further exploration.

Doesn't going back to the moon make more sense? Build a base on the moon, and use its low gravity and possible water at the poles as propellant for further space exploration?

Why not the moon first?

From NASA itself, in 2008:
The all-knowing, ever-trustworthy:

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 08 2016, @10:33AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 08 2016, @10:33AM (#356797)

    Well, we've had people staying in a microgravity environment for more than 1 year (Mir), and unless there's any indication (i.e. credible hypotheses) towards the opposite there's no reason to believe (and therefore a waste of precious resources to test) that more gravity than experienced by those cosmonauts but less than what we have on earth would have any greater adverse effect on the people traveling to and temporarily living on the moon/mars. Radiation is of course another matter, but it's a problem with a hardware solution that can be developed and tested on earth without any live test subjects. In any case, probably no one is proposing to keep anyone up there for several years, at this point, except maybe ... mmh chickens, .... sorry you were saying?

    Starting Score:    0  points
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    Total Score:   1