I want to hear your feedback below from everyone. Based on what we get back, we'll roll improvements into future votes, or if need be, reset the vote and do it again; I know a lot of you are active here or at least more involved, so the relatively low turnout is a warning canary for me. Leave your comments below, and expect another story in a few days to see how we're using your comments.
(Score: 1) by number6 on Thursday April 24 2014, @05:52AM
For me, the only significant part of the name which must not be changed is the first letter "S".
I don't care what name you choose, but the first letter has a functional quality when juxtaposed against other words beginning with "S" in lists.
It's like choosing a planet further away from the Sun than what exists now.
(Score: 1) by number6 on Thursday April 24 2014, @06:09AM
Since you want feedback on a name...I'll throw one out there: spacebar