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SoylentNews is people

posted by NCommander on Wednesday April 23 2014, @10:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the apt-get-install-democracy dept.
I wanted to get feedback on how the community feels about our current name vote. There have been some concerns that we've had relatively small percentage (~10 percent) of members register to vote, and wanted to see if there was something more fundamental going on. As it is currently setup, here's how things are
  • You had to be registered by April 12th to have been included in the name vote; if you received a ballot for submission, you should have gotten ranking ballot
  • We haven't retroactively added in additional users, though it hasn't been clear that there was a hard cutoff
  • The submission phase went until the 19th, and the vote for the name will continue until the 27th
  • The current system is email only (but we are looking at getting something integrated into the website implemented for future votes)

I want to hear your feedback below from everyone. Based on what we get back, we'll roll improvements into future votes, or if need be, reset the vote and do it again; I know a lot of you are active here or at least more involved, so the relatively low turnout is a warning canary for me. Leave your comments below, and expect another story in a few days to see how we're using your comments.

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  • (Score: 2) by clone141166 on Thursday April 24 2014, @07:01AM

    by clone141166 (59) on Thursday April 24 2014, @07:01AM (#35383)

    This is a good point. Seeing as it's already optional whether or not you choose to reply to the voting email, maybe the participate-in-votes user preference should be enabled by default? Sending all registered users voting emails by default, until they expressly opt-out of ever receiving voting emails via the user preference.

    I know everything about the voting process was mentioned. But tbh much more needs to be done to simplify the voting process. Parts of it are complicated and other parts are unintuitive and contrary to established precedents. Voting should essentially be the easiest thing to do on the web site, otherwise people will either be confused or simply not participate.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2