NBC reports that as miraculous as it was that a 16-year-old California boy was able to hitch a ride from San Jose to Hawaii and survive, it isn't the first time a wheel-well stowaway has lived to tell about it.
The FAA says that since 1947 there have been 105 people who have tried to surreptitiously travel in plane landing gear world-wide on 94 flights with a survival rate of about 25 percent. But the agency adds that the actual numbers are probably higher, as some survivors may have escaped unnoticed, and bodies could fall into the ocean undetected. Except for the occasional happy ending, hiding in the landing gear of a aircraft as it soars miles above the Earth is generally a losing proposition.
According to a study titled "Survival at High Altitudes: Wheel-Well Passengers" (PDF) by FAA/Wright State University:
At 20,000 feet the temperature experienced by a stowaway would be -13 F, at 30,000 it would be -45 in the wheel well and at 40,000 feet, it can plunge to a deadly -85 F. "You're dealing with an incredibly harsh environment," says aviation and security expert Anthony Roman. "Temperatures can reach -50 F, and oxygen levels there are barely sustainable for life." Even if a strong-bodied individual is lucky enough to stand the cold and the lack of oxygen, there's still the issue of falling out of the plane. "It's almost impossible not to get thrown out when the gear opens," says Roman.
So how do the lucky one-in-four survive? The answer, surprisingly, is that a few factors of human physiology are at play: As the aircraft climbs, the body enters a state of hypoxia-that is, it lacks oxygen-and the person passes out. At the same time, the frigid temperatures cause a state of hypothermia, which preserves the nervous system. "It's similar to a young kid who falls to the bottom of an icy lake," says Roman "And two hours later he survives, because he was so cold."
(Score: 2, Funny) by Snow on Wednesday April 23 2014, @10:16PM
I'm a fan of the wheelwhell "luxory suite" - It has a lot going for it. Better leg room, fresher air, private restroom, priority unloading, etc. You also don't get nickeled and dimed (or more acurately $10 or $20 billed) for every drink or snack you might want. I have to admit that it's missing the inflight entertainment, but I find it's a lot easier to sleep. Don't knock it until you try it!
(Score: 2) by Reziac on Thursday April 24 2014, @03:11AM
And best of all, you don't get irradiated or groped by the TSA!
And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
(Score: 2) by WizardFusion on Thursday April 24 2014, @08:52AM
Where can I buy this upgrade.? I can't see it on the booking site.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 24 2014, @11:19AM
that's part of the perks included in the package.
arrive when you please, park anywhere you like,
and just hop on over to your soonest available flight.
they book you for 'services' after.