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posted by mattie_p on Wednesday February 19 2014, @07:34PM   Printer-friendly
from the when-all-you-have-is-$160-billion dept.

AudioGuy writes:

"Adrian Perica is a very busy man. Over the past 18 months, the mergers and acquisitions chief at Apple has been scouring the globe looking for deals, snatching up everything from search engines and data analytics to mapping software and motion tracking chips.

A source tells The Chronicle that Perica met with Tesla CEO Elon Musk in Cupertino last spring at around the same time analysts suggested Apple acquire the electric car giant.

The newspaper has also learned that Apple is heavily exploring medical devices, specifically sensor technology that can help predict heart attacks. Led by Tomlinson Holman, a renowned audio engineer who invented THX and 10.2 surround sound, Apple is exploring ways to predict heart attacks by studying the sound blood makes at it flows through arteries.

Taken together, Apple's potential forays into automobiles and medical devices, two industries worlds away from consumer electronics, underscore the company's deep desire to move away from iPhones and iPads and take big risks.

Good grief. Is the 'iTesla next in the 'i' line?"

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  • (Score: 2, Insightful) by theluggage on Wednesday February 19 2014, @11:33PM

    by theluggage (1797) on Wednesday February 19 2014, @11:33PM (#2973)

    Who has an iPod these days? [snip] Also, why in the world would they only support one product from one company?

    I do believe that Apple make some sort of phone thingy (iCall? iBlower? iTelephone? - something like that) that uses the same connector as the iPod Touch, and that it does more than music. "Deep integration" could mean wheel-mounted controls, information display on the dashboard, integration with Maps/GPS and other apps. Locking the iPhone touch screen while you're actually moving, so you're not tempted to fiddle, would be a good idea, too. Yes - I know you can do some remote control with standard Bluetooth, but last time I tried it was fairly limited.

    If you wanted to do such "deep integration" then iPod/iPhone would be easier than catering for multiple flavours of Android and multitude of music player Apps (does anybody use the stock Android music player?) - anyway, offering an iPhone-specific option shouldn't preclude offering USB and Bluetooth as well.

    The other possibility would be using iOS or Android as the OS for the built-in entertainment system.

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    Total Score:   2