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posted by janrinok on Sunday October 02 2016, @02:25AM   Printer-friendly
from the what-a-way-to-go dept.

If I died today it'd be a holiday... on Mars. Elon Musk has suggested that the first Martian settlers should be prepared to die:

The first people who fly with SpaceX to Mars should be OK with the possibility that the decision could cost them their lives, company founder and CEO Elon Musk said. SpaceX aims to ferry 1 million people to the Red Planet over the next 50 to 100 years using the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS), a rocket-spaceship combo that Musk unveiled Tuesday (Sept. 27) during a talk at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Guadalajara, Mexico. (Well, he unveiled the ITS in concept; neither vehicle has been built yet.)

Musk painted a picture of a not-too-distant future in which 1,000 or more ITS spaceships, each loaded up with 100 or 200 settlers, zoom off toward Mars simultaneously from Earth orbit. But it's naïve to expect that everything will work perfectly from the start, he said. "I think the first journeys to Mars are going to be really very dangerous. The risk of fatality will be high; there's just no way around it," Musk said at the IAC, adding that, for this reason, he would not suggest sending children on these flights. "It would be, basically, 'Are you prepared to die?' If that's OK, then, you know, you're a candidate for going," he said. Musk said he'd like to go to Mars, but it's unclear if he'll be among the Red Planet vanguard.

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  • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Monday October 03 2016, @05:30PM

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday October 03 2016, @05:30PM (#409530) Journal

    It appears that you're just a passing troll, who has latched onto a single part of a single post, and don't know anything about the poster. Let me make it simple for you: Trump bad, Clinton is Trump cubed. I despise Trump, I have despised him since he had his idiotic television show. He's an overbearing ass, and if he were out on one of my jobsites, he'd have had his ass kicked for certain. I may even have been doing the kicking. He's an idiot. But, Trump is nowhere near as dangerous as Shrillary Clinton. If Trump wins, he will be a lame duck from day one. He'll get little support from anywhere at all. Half the R's will vote against him, and 90% or more of the D's will be voting against him. That's on a good day. Trump will accomplish nothing. Meanwhile, Hitlery waves that progressive flag, and most of the D's line up to suck her ass. The ones who don't line up for her, can easily be coerced into whatever she wants. The D's plus the RINOS add up to one hell of a political force. Hitlery will get almost everything she wants - and none of it is good for this country.

    Now, crawl back under your bridge, like a nice little troll, and think that over.

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