Amy Goodman, host of the New York City-based leftist news programme Democracy Now! was charged with criminal trespass by the North Dakota state's attorney (prosecutor). The charge was changed to riot, then was dismissed due to lack of evidence when Goodman appeared in court on Monday. The charges stemmed from her presence at a protest in September against construction of the Dakota Access (Bakken) oil pipeline, after the protest was reported on her show.
(Score: 3, Touché) by DeathMonkey on Wednesday October 19 2016, @05:38PM
Sorry, I'm not particularly interested in regulating your ass. I have better things to do with my time. Maybe you could keep yourself out of trouble instead?
That's cool. I'm going to move in next door and open a foul smelling waste processing plant. Why didn't you keep yourself out of that trouble I just created for you?
(Score: 3, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday October 19 2016, @06:08PM
Its a free market, he can pack all his stuff and move somewhere else, taking the loss on the property values as a libertarian badge of courage.