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posted by on Tuesday December 06 2016, @12:19PM   Printer-friendly
from the don't-believe-everything-you-read dept.

The guardian reports on a sobering event in Washington DC.

US police have arrested a man wielding an assault rifle who entered a pizza restaurant that was the target of fake news reports it was operating a child abuse ring led by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her top campaign aide.

[...] The suspect entered the restaurant and pointed a gun at a restaurant employee, who fled and notified authorities, police said. The man then discharged the weapon inside the restaurant. There were no injuries.

[...] [Police] said the suspect during an interview with investigators revealed that he came to the establishment to "self-investigate" Pizzagate, the police statement said. Pizzagate is a baseless conspiracy, which falsely claims Clinton and her campaign chief John Podesta were running a child sex ring from the restaurant's backrooms.

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  • (Score: 1) by kurenai.tsubasa on Tuesday December 06 2016, @06:35PM

    by kurenai.tsubasa (5227) on Tuesday December 06 2016, @06:35PM (#437925) Journal

    I agree with your analysis.

    "Look at the star and moon on the pizza sign! there is a star and moon on this picture of Satan so they must be devil worshipers!" I'm surprised they didn't connect the star and moon to Islam. Would have been much better since Muhammad was supposedly a pedo himself. That would have been much more lulzy.

    I'll do a little groundwork on this theory. The image depicted is of Baphomet, which is derived Pan, the fertility god and according to the link I'm about to put Cernunnous, another nature/fertility figure. I went to Wikipedia which gives a cite of 1098 for the first use of Baphomet, but I found this page [] that attempts an etymology:

    …There has been quite a lot of speculation as to the origin of the name of Baphomet. Indries Shaw, a Sufi scholar claimed it originated from the Arabic term abu fi ‘hamat, meaning ‘father of wisdom’ or ‘father of understanding’, explaining also that the Arabic term Ras el ‘fahmat means ‘head of knowledge’. And according to author Joshua Seraphim the Arabic word for father also translates into ‘source’ or ‘chief seat’, relating it to the great Sufi healer and martyr, Husain ibn Mansur al ‘Hallaj, who was crucified and beheaded in 922 A.D.

    Both Wikipedia and that page give alternate etymologies, so it's not completely concrete, but it would seem plausible given Wikipedia's reference from 1098 []:

    The name Baphomet appeared in July 1098 in a letter by the crusader Anselm of Ribemont:

    Sequenti die aurora apparente, altis vocibus Baphometh invocaverunt; et nos Deum nostrum in cordibus nostris deprecantes, impetum facientes in eos, de muris civitatis omnes expulimus.

    As the next day dawned, they called loudly upon Baphometh; and we prayed silently in our hearts to God, then we attacked and forced all of them outside the city walls.

    I could see “Baphometh” being a corruption of “abu fi ‘hamat.” So we have a good link to Islam via the Crusades, even though the image shown with the moon iconography wouldn't show up until 1856 during a revival of occult interest. From the first link:

    The image above [of Baphomet] was created by Alphonse Louis Constant under the pseudonym of Eliphas Levi Zahed, and published in a two volume book titled Dogme et Ritual de la Haute Magie, in 1856. The English title is Transcendental Magic: It’s Doctrine and Ritual, as translated by Arthur Edward Waite, a Freemason and esoteric author. But the literal translation is The Dogma and Ritual of High Magic.

    That's good enough for a wild-eyed theory about devil-worshipers sexually abusing children in rituals meant to bring about the anti-Christ and New World Order, etc. (Organized through a pizza place!)