Apparently this story is not for you - feel free to not read it.
If you have never heard of pipedot, or cannot deduce what pipecode might be, then it is probably best that you go on to the next story.
Alternatively, if you can send me a spoon, I will try to feed all the information to you in very small pieces. Let me try using my own spoon for now. You have never met Bryan, but Bryan is the man who created pipedot. If you go to that site, '' by clicking the link that has been provided, using the mouse that probably sits on the desktop near your computer, you will see the site quite clearly. Use the same button that got you to this site. When you get there, you will see 'Pipedot'. The ability to go to other sites is what makes the internet so powerful. Now that you are at the site, you will probably understand what I meant when I said that 'Bryan over at pipedot' had done something. Bryan runs (and wrote the code for) the Pipedot site. The code that Bryan (remember him?) wrote is called pipecode. It is a clever idea which links the name of his site to the code that he wrote to run it. That code took a lot of work to produce but Bryan (yes, the same one that I mentioned a few lines back!) has generously given the code away! But, we don't say that he has 'given it away' because he still has it as well. So we use the phrase 'released the source code'. Again, I made it a link so, if you can find your mouse again, click the link and it will take you to the place on the internet where his code can be found. It's like magic!
Let me know when you have finished all these difficult tasks and I will take you through the second sentence. Or you can move on to the next story.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
Wow! Bad form. GP may have been a little lazy or a little uninformed or possibly a troll, but you could have just let it slide. Please take a deep breath and step back. You're doing a fine job here, and we're all on the same team.
The ability to go to other sites is what makes the internet so powerful.
(Score: 5, Funny) by janrinok on Wednesday May 07 2014, @10:06AM
Apparently this story is not for you - feel free to not read it.
If you have never heard of pipedot, or cannot deduce what pipecode might be, then it is probably best that you go on to the next story.
Alternatively, if you can send me a spoon, I will try to feed all the information to you in very small pieces. Let me try using my own spoon for now. You have never met Bryan, but Bryan is the man who created pipedot. If you go to that site, '' by clicking the link that has been provided, using the mouse that probably sits on the desktop near your computer, you will see the site quite clearly. Use the same button that got you to this site. When you get there, you will see 'Pipedot'. The ability to go to other sites is what makes the internet so powerful. Now that you are at the site, you will probably understand what I meant when I said that 'Bryan over at pipedot' had done something. Bryan runs (and wrote the code for) the Pipedot site. The code that Bryan (remember him?) wrote is called pipecode. It is a clever idea which links the name of his site to the code that he wrote to run it. That code took a lot of work to produce but Bryan (yes, the same one that I mentioned a few lines back!) has generously given the code away! But, we don't say that he has 'given it away' because he still has it as well. So we use the phrase 'released the source code'. Again, I made it a link so, if you can find your mouse again, click the link and it will take you to the place on the internet where his code can be found. It's like magic!
Let me know when you have finished all these difficult tasks and I will take you through the second sentence. Or you can move on to the next story.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 1) by karmawhore on Wednesday May 07 2014, @11:35AM
Funny stuff, though. :)
=kw= lurkin' to please
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday May 07 2014, @05:51PM
We all have bad days......
And if he couldn't work that story out for himself, then I feel sorry for him.
But you're right, karmawhore, perhaps I should have stopped after the second sentence.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.