It's still illegal to manufacture firearms for others without a license.
A Sacramento, California man was sentenced Thursday to over three years in prison for unlawful manufacture of a firearm and one count of dealing firearms.
Last year, Daniel Crownshield, pleaded guilty to those counts in exchange for federal prosecutors dropping other charges. According to investigators, Crowninshield, known online as "Dr. Death," would sell unfinished AR-15 lower receivers, which customers would then pay for him to transform into fully machined lower receivers using a computer numerically controlled (CNC) mill. (In October 2014, Cody Wilson, of Austin, Texas, who has pioneered 3D-printed guns, began selling a CNC mill called "Ghost Gunner," designed to work specifically on the AR-15 lower.)
"In order to create the pretext that the individual in such a scenario was building his or her own firearm, the skilled machinist would often have the individual press a button or put his or her hands on a piece of machinery so that the individual could claim that the individual, rather than the machinist, made the firearm," the government claimed in its April 14 plea agreement.
So, if he taught a class in how to do it would he also then be a criminal?
(Score: 1) by varsix on Saturday February 18 2017, @02:00AM
tl;dr: Guy cuts in on the profits of gun manufacturers and gets shut down under the pretext of ensuring safety.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Saturday February 18 2017, @03:19AM
I really don't think the gun manufacturers care about people making their own guns. All of the butt-hurt over guns comes from the left/liberal/progressive portion of society. The more reasonable parts of society only get indignant when a real crime is committed - theft, robbery, rape, murder, whatever - and a gun is used during the commission of that crime. Owning and carrying a weapon should be no more remarkable than owning and carrying a screwdriver, a pen, a cane, or any other non-contraband possession. That is the only reasonable interpretation of the constitution. There are no special laws concerning the manufacture of your screwdriver, etc. You can go into business making screwdrivers tomorrow. Pay your taxes, don't defraud anyone with your advertising efforts, and you're good to go. Sell ten, sell hundreds of thousands, sell millions - no one gives a damn, except your customers who will evaluate the quality of your screwdrivers.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 18 2017, @09:54AM
Fuch you, Runaway!
All of the butt-hurt over guns comes from the left/liberal/progressive portion of society.
No, the butthurt is all these authoritarian worshiping wanna be military types that for some reason want to make a .22 caliber rifle that has no serial number! What is their problem? Are they like the Runaway, 4F under the old draft code, too stupid to be in the Navy, god forbid! I mean, maybe smart enough for the Army. Marines, definitely, only only if disciplined. But in all these cases, wanting a standard issue military weapon, meant for the dumbest of the dumb, infantrymen. From the "In", and "fant" as in "infant", as in "not able to speak". But they can obey orders. Why would any self-respecting patriot want to encumber themselves with such a pitiful weapon? You might say, "ammo compatibiity", but I would say, why go NATO, when they are just Ripping Us Off, when you could go Warsaw! Besides, the gas powered AK-47, or the Kalishnikov on which it is based, is a much more reliable weapon, if somewhat less accurate. So Runaway, you gonna suck up to the US Military? Or to the Russian one? Trump has already decided. Choose wisely.
(Score: 3, Funny) by Runaway1956 on Saturday February 18 2017, @02:36PM
Well, good day, "Anonymous". Do you feel better now that you've had your rant? I don't understand why on earth you don't post these crazy posts while you're logged in. Your crazy condition can't be cured until and unless you own the condition. Come on, man up. Or, in your case, Greek up. Stop posting anonymously.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz