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posted by Woods on Thursday May 15 2014, @11:11PM   Printer-friendly
from the content-of-this-article-is-SFW dept.

In the beginning, pop culture wiki TV Tropes licensed its content with the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license for free content.

When Google pulled out its AdSense revenue because of... let's call it NSFW fan fiction, TV Tropes changed its guidelines to forbid tropes about mature content. In response to this move, two forks were eventually created. The admins disliked this move so much that they changed its license notice to the Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike version, despite their site not having requested copyright rights from their users. Only later they added a clause to their Terms of use page requiring all contributors to grant the site irrevocable, exclusive ownership of their edits.

I suppose the morale of the story is, if you contributed to TV Tropes before summer 2012, you should know they're distributing your content under a license that you didn't give them permission to use.

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  • (Score: 2) by NCommander on Friday May 16 2014, @12:33AM

    by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Friday May 16 2014, @12:33AM (#44043) Homepage Journal

    Exactly like that.

    Slash itself is well suited for this, especially since we allow anonymous posting. I actually discussed how we could do it at length with audioguy on IRC, and while it will be a shitton of work, its something I'd personally love to see. No idea on when though

    Still always moving
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