An Alaska dentist, Seth Lookhart, is being prosecuted on 17 counts of fraud and "unlawful dental acts." It's one of these alleged dental acts — Count XI — that has moved me.
Court papers filed this week say in or around July 2016, Lookhart "performed a dental extraction procedure on a sedated patient while riding a hoverboard and filmed the procedure and distributed the film to persons outside his dental practice."
[...] What if his hoverboard skills weren't perfect? What if he'd slipped at the vital moment as his tools were gripped around the patient's teeth? Please forgive me if I also mention that hoverboards have been known to explode and catch fire.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Wednesday April 26 2017, @05:51PM (1 child)
That is unfortunate. It would be worse if it were doctors instead of dentists.
The age of men is over. The time of the Orc has come.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2017, @07:20PM
that with Doctors, it is hard for the patient to file a complaint if the condition was bad enough. And for those patients who DO pass, there is plenty of permafrost to dispose of them in until the next season :)