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SoylentNews is people

posted by LaminatorX on Friday February 21 2014, @05:33AM   Printer-friendly
from the I-don't-care,-I'm-still-free.-You-can't-take-the-garage-from-me dept.

demonlapin writes:

"Brian Benchoff at Hackaday has an ambitious new project: a homebrew computer based not on a classic 8-bit processor like the Z80 or 6502, but on the 16-bit Motorola 68000. It's a backplane-based machine with wire-wrapped connections planned. His first summary post is here. Blinkenlights are planned."

[ED Note: With so much commercially available hardware getting more and more locked down, projects like this are a good reminder of what is possible for a dedicated enthusiast.]

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  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by paulej72 on Friday February 21 2014, @06:14AM

    by paulej72 (58) on Friday February 21 2014, @06:14AM (#4119) Journal

    I took a physics class a grad student where we built a 68000 based computer on a prototype board. Had a 8 seg display and a 16 key hex keypad. Had an DtoA and AtoD converters and was wired to a.speaker and microphone. Programmed it in assembly too.

    Very fun project.

    Team Leader for SN Development
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    Total Score:   5