demonlapin writes:
"Brian Benchoff at Hackaday has an ambitious new project: a homebrew computer based not on a classic 8-bit processor like the Z80 or 6502, but on the 16-bit Motorola 68000. It's a backplane-based machine with wire-wrapped connections planned. His first summary post is here. Blinkenlights are planned."
[ED Note: With so much commercially available hardware getting more and more locked down, projects like this are a good reminder of what is possible for a dedicated enthusiast.]
(Score: 2, Informative) by crutchy on Friday February 21 2014, @10:19AM
this kinda reminds me of embedded applications
sparkfun and futurlec have awesome bits and pieces for pennies
i have an avr kit ( ) which can do some neat stuff... i plugged some music into an analog to digital pin and sent it to a laptop through rs232 and read the serial signal with a little delphi program that performed fft and displayed a moving chart... was slow as a wet week but it worked :-)
unfortunately i haven't yet figured out how to motivate myself to figure out how to get either my usb or parallel programmer to work with avrdude in debian. avr studio isn't actually that bad though.
want to get this one next:d .jsp []
sparkfun is good for sensors
(Score: 2, Informative) by quitte on Friday February 21 2014, @04:19PM
Get one of the STM32 discovery boards(,too). They are cheap and the debug interface is capable of debugging and programming non-ST Cortex-Ms, too. Also it works without too much trouble with a debian system.