demonlapin writes:
"Brian Benchoff at Hackaday has an ambitious new project: a homebrew computer based not on a classic 8-bit processor like the Z80 or 6502, but on the 16-bit Motorola 68000. It's a backplane-based machine with wire-wrapped connections planned. His first summary post is here. Blinkenlights are planned."
[ED Note: With so much commercially available hardware getting more and more locked down, projects like this are a good reminder of what is possible for a dedicated enthusiast.]
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Uncle_Al on Friday February 21 2014, @07:16PM
> I believe Unix needs a MMU to run properly. The 68020 was the first m68k with a MMU chip, and the 68030 was the first to have the MMU on-die.
68000 unix machines were built, using designs including variations of the "SUN" MMU design or the Moto 68451
You just couldn't do demand paging with the 68000 because you couldn't restart an instruction.