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posted by Dopefish on Friday February 21 2014, @05:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the rocket-kits-are-awesome-these-days dept.

WildWombat writes:

" reports that the next Falcon 9 flight will attempt a soft splashdown off the coast of Florida to test its newly installed landing legs. If successful, this will be a major step along the path to a reusable rocket.

The flight, CRS-3, is an ISS resupply mission scheduled for March 16th. The pace of SpaceX technology development is truly impressive."

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 21 2014, @10:30PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 21 2014, @10:30PM (#4581)

    140 hours? That's 4h/day off work. I hope he slept in the office because otherwise his commute would eat up half of his sleep time. Crazy.