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SoylentNews is people

posted by mrcoolbp on Saturday May 31 2014, @04:45PM   Printer-friendly
from the and-the-winner-is dept.

We've finally reached the end. The name will be....!

I know, it's a bit anti-climactic, but we've gone over the results and our current name won by a significant margin. We'll follow up with a post detailing the voting results in a few days.

Edit: The results data are available in responses to this comment.

For what it's worth, there were a lot of us that would have like to see the name change. The staff even had a chance to override this decision, but instead we decided to support the community's choice.

I'd like to thank everyone who spent a lot of time (and in some cases money) suggesting domains, voting, and bearing with us through this long complex process. It turned into a huge, non-trivial task to pull off, and I appreciate your patience and understanding. We listened to your criticisms of the process as well and we've learned a lot about how we can significantly improve this process for the future.

Okay, now cue all the "I told you that SoylentNews would win!1!!1!!" comments...

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  • (Score: 1) by Joe Desertrat on Sunday June 01 2014, @02:15AM

    by Joe Desertrat (2454) on Sunday June 01 2014, @02:15AM (#49784)

    "Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from leaving things late then. It's possible people simply got too used to the name to process any change."

    Well yes, but I'm sure there were a lot of more immediate issues with which to deal as things were getting started.

    "Considering some of the staff comments in this post, it may have been useful to have heard their reasons before the vote, too."

    I certainly agree with this. I kind of get the feeling the staff wanted a change for some reason as I never saw any posts from the community complaining about the name. Perhaps if the staff would have simply presented a case for a change the community would have rubber stamped it. Maybe they thought it was better to stay above the fray, but ultimately if the staff is unhappy I see little chance the community will survive.

  • (Score: 2) by mrcoolbp on Tuesday June 03 2014, @04:00AM

    by mrcoolbp (68) <> on Tuesday June 03 2014, @04:00AM (#50515) Homepage

    "I never saw any posts from the community complaining about the name."

    There were many actually.

    "Perhaps if the staff would have simply presented a case for a change the community would have rubber stamped it."

    From the "Name Finalists []" article text:

    "and two extras due to possible copyright issues with two of the names (soylent and apt-get-news)"

    Many people had already mentioned issues with this name, I didn't personally feel it was necessary to reiterate those thoughts. Some hate the name, but many more seem to like it.

    (Score:1^½, Radical)