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Journal by aristarchus

No doubt this is the question on everyone's mind these days! Or, I am a conceited bastard who thinks everything is about me, and the bans applied to me are really about me, and not about the random imposition of power!

Whence aristarchus? Interesting, my recent experience with mod bombing had my karma reduced to almost single digit. Now I am not privy to the inter databases as someone like The Mighty Buzzard is, for some reason, but I could tell that perhaps several of the spam mods (-10, you know!) were not called for, were in error, and should have been rescinded immediately. This was not the case, and after a campaign of posting "no comment" to current articles, either my spam mods were rescinded or my fellow soylentils responded to my mayday call, and restored my karma. But since my spam mods were not immediately rescinded, I felt it was apropos to spam mod the most visible face of the right-wing bias, and although I have no evidence to suggest such, the spam modder of me, The Mighty Buzzard.

  Those of use who are mere Soylentils get some idea of how things go down. If I rip Runaway1965 a new one over some stupid thing he has posted, I can expect to get several down mods, in that or other threads. Same thing if I have to, once again! correct the obviously rebutted khallow. Now, I am not suggesting, and I do not know, that these fine Soylentils which whom I have obvious disagreements, are down modding me just because I disagree with them. But the pattern persists.

So, after we have entered upon the "Spam mod aristarchus four times", and "aristarchus spam mods The Mighty Buzzard once" situation, things have been, well, "fluid". My karma has gone back up to the max. But curiously, it does not stay there. I seem to dip in to the low 40's, and then back up to 50, depending on where the sun is shining on the earth. Well, that is as may be. But if a majority of Soylentils are so opposed to my posts, I can only assume that my time here is wasted. Except, of course, my education of khallow and insulting of Runaway, and dismissing of jmorris, and . . . spam modding of The Marginally Brossander! Well, I was workig on a real journal on Ethics for Soylentils. It may not see the light of day, if the current tyranny of the spam mod admins continues.

Aristarchus, out. Love you all, authentic Soylentils!!!


Reply to: Re:"But currently it does not stay there..."

    (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 04 2017, @06:47PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 04 2017, @06:47PM (#563523)

    Mexico better stop by the currency exchange. You can't pay Greek whores with pesos.

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