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posted by n1 on Saturday June 14 2014, @11:52PM   Printer-friendly
from the inconvenient-data-is-impossible-to-retrieve dept.

Lois Lerner, former director of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, is a key figure in the IRS's controversy over the tax-exempt status by tea party and other conservative groups. Now CBS News reports that the IRS has told congressional investigators that the IRS cannot locate many of Lois Lerner's emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed that year. "Isn't it convenient for the Obama Administration that the IRS now says it has suddenly realized it lost Lois Lerner's emails requested by Congress and promised by Commissioner John Koskinen?" says House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa. "Do they really expect the American people to believe that, after having withheld these emails for a year, they're just now realizing the most critical time period is missing?

According to a veteran IT professional, the IRS' claim that the agency lost two years' worth of former IRS official Lois Lerner's emails is "simply not feasible." Norman Cillo, an Army veteran who worked in intelligence and a former program manager at Microsoft, says it is very difficult to lose emails for good because Microsoft Exchange used by the government for their email servers have built-in exchange mail database redundancy and all servers use some form of RAID technology and tape backup. Cillo says it's possible the IRS is telling the truth if the federal agency is "totally mismanaged and has the worst IT department ever." "I don't know of any email administrator that doesn't have at least three ways of getting that mail back. It's either on the disks or it's on a TAPE backup someplace or in an archive server. There are at least three ways the government can get those emails."

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15 2014, @03:24AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15 2014, @03:24AM (#55471)

    > That's like saying if a full on GOP conservative ran as a democrat without changing platform in the primary and won, he'd just be another democrat.

    Which would never happen because a "full on GOP conservative" wouldn't have a chance in a democratic primary.

    When you have to make up completely unrealistic analogies to support your beliefs that should give you pause.

  • (Score: 1) by The Mighty Buzzard on Sunday June 15 2014, @03:34AM

    Idiot, did you even take English? Analogies are by no means required to be realistic. It is implicit in their nature that they can be fictional and still serve their purpose.
    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15 2014, @03:42AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15 2014, @03:42AM (#55476)

      > Analogies are by no means required to be realistic. It is implicit in their nature that they can be fictional and still serve their purpose.

      I guess it really does take quite a bit of an independent streak and some world class critical thinking skills to break yourself out of the overwhelmingly Liberal echo chamber that is the online community.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15 2014, @09:15AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 15 2014, @09:15AM (#55551)

        That could be reality's well-known liberal bias showing through, so don't blame the online community for that.