AnonTechie writes:
"I have the following requests to members of this new forum:
1) Please use SI Units wherever possible. Alternative comparative units such as swimming pools, size of Florida, cars, libraries of congress, etc are also welcome ...
2) Please cover tech/science related stories from around the world. Please do not make this a US only website !!
Cheers and best wishes,
[ED Note: We as a community welcome submissions from around the world, as befits our international userbase. The Editorial team in particular is looking closely at including voices from outside the U.S. as we continue to grow. As for the units question in particular, stories will certainly arrive with a variety of units depending on the origin of the submission. We encourage, though do not require, submitters to include conversions where appropriate for clarity out of courtesy to your fellow readers. Though we try to use a light touch when making edits to story submissions, Editors may add these from time to time as well, should clarity demand and time permit.
Soylentils, does the current ad-hoc approach meet your needs, or do you favor a more formal approach from your news discussion site?]
(Score: 4, Insightful) by Koen on Monday February 24 2014, @03:23AM
4.000 feet = 1219 milimeters.
4.0 feet = 1.2 meter
4 feet = 1 meter
What is the unit of pedantry?
/. refugees on Usenet: comp.misc [comp.misc]
(Score: 1) by beckett on Monday February 24 2014, @05:07AM
i would think pedantry would be measured at 1.0936133 yards, or 1meter, rather than 48inches.
(Score: 1) by sjwt on Monday February 24 2014, @10:31AM
Try it the other way around with say buying a 1300mm length of wood..
1.3M = 13dm = 130cm =1300mm =1300000um
Nice and easy to pick a number to match within what ever daily tolerances one needs.
mm would be its lowest common daily denominator though more often its cm and I've never seen anyone use dm IRL, however in any situation you need less than a mm, micrometre (um) will faultlessly be understood by most average joes and by anyone who needs to know what it is.
1mm gets you an accuracy to 0.03937007874 inch or close to 1/32"
1um gives you an accuracy of around 1/25000"
What is the unit of pedantry for Imperial?
1300mm = (with playing extremely nice on the fractions by rounding a lot)
51.181102362 inches or 51 and 9/10"
4.2650918635 feet or 4 and 53/200'
1.4216972878 yards 1 and 211/500 yards
0.34407008443 roods or 43/125 roods
0.064622474746 chains [survey] or 3231/50000 chains [survey]
0.042650918635 chains [engineer]or 853/20000 chains [engineer]
(Score: 1) by Scruffy on Monday February 24 2014, @09:06PM
Pedandtry is measured in niggles. :)
1087 is a lucky prime.