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posted by chromas on Wednesday August 01 2018, @09:09AM   Printer-friendly
from the when-the-second-meets-the-first dept.

Trump says public availability of 3D-printed guns 'doesn't seem to make much sense'

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he is "looking into" the availability of plans for the 3D printing of guns, writing on Twitter that he had already been in touch with the NRA on the issue.

"I am looking into 3-D Plastic Guns being sold to the public. Already spoke to NRA, doesn't seem to make much sense!" the president wrote on Twitter Tuesday morning.

After a years-long legal battle, Defense Distributed, a Texas-based group, has announced plans to release instructions on Wednesday for guns that can be created by a 3-D printer, including a handgun and parts for a semi-automatic assault rifle. Although plans were not supposed to be available until Wednesday, instructions have already begun to appear online for download, CNN reported Tuesday.

From Defense Distributed's still barebones website:

August 1, 2018

Defense Distributed relaunches DEFCAD after reaching a settlement agreement with the US Department of State, concluding a multi-year federal lawsuit. The age of the downloadable gun formally begins.

The DEFCAD website is now up (as of July 31) but files supposedly can't be downloaded until August 1.

Even our resident Trump supporters/enthusiasts can bash him for even thinking about encroaching on our digital gun liberties.

Also at The Hill.

"U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik issued a temporary restraining order Tuesday afternoon that bars Cody Wilson from sharing 3-D gun print files online August 1.

The order provides time for Democrats to continue pressing President Trump to intervene and prohibit future publication of files all together."

Previously: Landmark Legal Shift for 3D-Printed Guns

Related: The $1,200 Machine That Lets Anyone Make a Metal Gun at Home
Japanese Gun Printer Goes to Jail
Suspected 3D-Printed Gun Parts and Plastic Knuckles Seized in Australia
FedEx Refuses to Ship Defense Distributed's Ghost Gunner CNC Mill
Man Who Used CNC Mill to Manufacture AR-15 "Lowers" Sentenced to 41 Months
Ghost Gunner Software Update Allows the Milling of an M1911 Handgun

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  • (Score: 0, Troll) by jmorris on Wednesday August 01 2018, @05:22PM (1 child)

    by jmorris (4844) on Wednesday August 01 2018, @05:22PM (#715805)

    There are so many previous rulings forbidding this sort of "prior restraint" that it is obvious they are simply being lawless. Think they realize this one is "game over" for gun control, not today, not tomorrow but pretty soon and they are flailing around trying to find a way to stop the inevitable march of Progress. And how does a judge in Seattle get the authority to govern a guy in Texas is another question best left unasked because the only answers would inspire one to get their "sporting goods" out.

    Quite simply they have gone mad since President Trump was elected. The #Resistance has made up a new rule that no act by this "illegitimate administration" shall have effect without the unanimous consent of the entire Federal Judiciary acting as one vast en banc appellate court to check the Executive. And so far President Trump had bent the knee and accepted this new unprecedented rule. The alternative will get messy but unless the Left decides to return to sanity the Constitutional Crisis is here and going to have to be faced sooner or later.

    Long term the options are all grim.

    1. The Enemy wins and a Hell on Earth ensues.
    2. Things muddle along until the contradictions cause a collapse. Everybody loses.
    3. We admit Progressives aren't American and remove them from any position of authority, from SCOTUS down to kindergarten teacher. This will certainly go "kinetic" since they will not accept this decision peacefully.

    Only the third option has the possibility of a future worth living in but the odds of attempting it triggering a collapse is high. Smart people realize this danger and refuse to take the chance. We need enough slightly smarter folk to realize there is no safe path left and act now because the odds of a successful counter revolution go down year by year. Trump has bought us a little time but like Coolidge and Reagan before him, this brief moment will not last.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   -2  
       Troll=2, Total=2
    Extra 'Troll' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   0  
  • (Score: 1, Flamebait) by aristarchus on Wednesday August 01 2018, @06:38PM

    by aristarchus (2645) on Wednesday August 01 2018, @06:38PM (#715845) Journal

    Your insanity is showing again, jmorris! Did you take your meds? Have you been to InfoWarts recently?