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posted by martyb on Thursday September 13 2018, @03:37AM   Printer-friendly

Instagram will send a pop-up about opioid addiction support if you search certain hashtags

Instagram says people are using the platform's hashtags to find addiction support and communities as well as illegal drugs. So, in response, the company is rolling out a pop-up today that'll provide users with drug addiction resources if they search certain hashtags, like "opioid."

[...] Instagram says that while many people use these drug-related hashtags to find support communities, others misuse them to sell drugs. In some cases, Instagram has blocked or limited these hashtags, but this prevents helpful support communities from forming, the company says.

If I misspell "#opioid", will I still get a warning?

Also at Engadget.

Previously: Facebook-Owned Instagram Removes Opioid-Related Posts

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Thursday September 13 2018, @12:46PM

    by Phoenix666 (552) on Thursday September 13 2018, @12:46PM (#734199) Journal

    Good-For-You-ism. That's what this is. Others decide what's good for you, instead of letting you make your own choices. If someone searches for "opioid treatments," then by all means give them results for addiction treatment. But don't give them what they didn't ask for because you know better than they do, because you're trying to correct them. It's incredibly arrogant and patronizing and it will backfire.

    Build the best tools you can, make your money selling them, and then take your hands off. Let the buyer use them how they see fit. A world where my car won't take me to the beach because they're concerned about me getting a sunburn is a nightmare scenario.

    Washington DC delenda est.
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