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posted by mrpg on Sunday October 14 2018, @05:03PM   Printer-friendly
from the happy-happy-joy-joy dept.

Submitted via IRC for chromas

From 'problem child' to 'prodigy'? LSD turns 75

Lysergic acid diethylamide was labelled a "problem child" by the man who discovered its hallucinogenic properties in 1943: as it turns 75, the drug known as LSD may now be changing its image.

The late Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann famously learned of LSD's psychedelic effects when he inadvertently took a small dose while doing lab work for pharmaceutical company Sandoz.

He wanted the drug to be medically researched, convinced it could be a valuable psychiatric tool and lead to a deeper understanding of human consciousness.

But through the 1960s, LSD became synonymous with counterculture and anti-authority protests.

By the early 1970s, it had been widely criminalised in the West, prompting Hofmann to publish his 1979 memoir, "LSD: My Problem Child".

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  • (Score: 2) by fyngyrz on Sunday October 14 2018, @10:31PM

    by fyngyrz (6567) on Sunday October 14 2018, @10:31PM (#748734) Journal

    It's a regular liberal hellhole.


    Too late to put the genie back in the bottle.

    Well, that one, anyway. The idiots have bottled up a lot more genies that still need to be let loose.

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    Total Score:   2