All of the above should be considered pre-alpha quality, more like a whiteboard of insanity. If, despite all these caveats, you'd still like to check out the spool for yourself, point your newsreader at There are three groups on the server, soylentnews.discuss, just for general discussion for folks who come by, a test group for testing posting, and the spool itself at soylentnews.test.mainpage.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts and comments below.
[UPDATE: Corrected typos and added links]
(Score: 2) by zafiro17 on Monday July 21 2014, @10:40PM
I see a lot of tepid, "yeah, that would be nice" replies. Let me up the ante. Yes, hell yes! This would be like Nerd-nirvana, the Holy Grail of online communication, Shangri-Soylenty-Lah. The best of all possible worlds. Proof there is a god and he loves us and wants us to be happy here in our mother's basements, pecking away at the keyboard in the dim light.
I happen to love Usenet; I've mentioned that on other threads. There's a decent group at comp.misc of ex-Slashdotters, and a dedicated forum would be freaking fantastic. I might just succumb to a massive nerdgasm and pass out from the loss of blood pressure.
For inspiration, check out Paperclip, and NewsPortal by Florian Arnheim. They are both projects that gate web forums to NNTP. Neither would work with Soylent but both have probably overcome some of the challenges and can help point a way through the dark.
I for one think a Soylent-NNTP gateway would be the coolest freaking thing ever created.
So: yes. Yes, please.
Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis - Jack Handey
(Score: 2) by Geotti on Monday July 21 2014, @11:56PM
+1 (even if we are all breaking rule #1 here...)
I'd like to see a bi-directional synchronization, so we people can comment and submit articles through the other protocol, but that would be quite difficult to achieve (authentication-wise) I imagine.
(Score: 1) by Theophrastus on Tuesday July 22 2014, @12:00AM
sure, what the hell. the wider nets the better.
but how is this distinct from "s'qute"? []
(Score: 1) by tonyPick on Tuesday July 22 2014, @07:42AM
Hell, keep doing the export regularly and I'll use it for reading as it is right now, bugs and all.
One question I do have is: how to handle/report on moderation? Particularly with AC postings
I'm having vague flashbacks to the 90's of long (long) kill-lists to filter out the spam, and while that works for registered users it would be nice to identify Anonymous posts that hit decent moderation and handle those separately from the "-1" junk/spam/troll posts.
Short of special casing out high positive mod AC posts and re-posting these under a different username I can't immediately think of any easy way to do this though (and that'd be possible to gamify anyway).
(Score: 2) by Pav on Tuesday July 22 2014, @11:27AM
*thumbs up*