Natural Society reports
The West Virginia State Supreme Court finalized a big blow to the biotech giant Monsanto this month, finishing a settlement causing Monsanto to pay $93 million to the tiny town of Nitro, West Virginia for poisoning citizens with Agent Orange chemicals. The settlement was approved last year, but details were worked out only weeks ago as to how the funds were to be spent.
The settlement will require Monsanto to do the following:
(Score: 3, Interesting) by aristarchus on Wednesday July 30 2014, @02:24AM
Better living through chemistry was the motto if I.G. Farbin, you know, the German company that made chemicals to get rid of infestations! Monsato is guilty of equal crimes against humanity, only more indirectly, resulting in Indian farmers selling kidneys to afford intellectual property in seeds. I say copy the buggers! Seeds are not copywriteable! Food? Merde, I could live forever without any of the crap that the RIAA claims to own, but you mess with food, who do you think actually has the pitchforks, and knows how to make torches? (Oh, Hi, Nabi!)