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posted by Fnord666 on Sunday May 19 2019, @06:55PM   Printer-friendly
from the one-hundred-bacteria-walk-into-a-bar(of-soap) dept.

Researches at the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering recently published a paper in the Annals of Surgery on the development of a wireless electroceutical dressing (WED) that uses an electric field to disrupt bacterial biofilms.

Bacterial biofilms are thin, slimy films of bacteria that form on some wounds, including burns or post-surgical infections, as well as after a medical device, such as a catheter, is placed in the body. These bacteria generate their own electricity, using their own electric fields to communicate and form the biofilm, which makes them more hostile and difficult to treat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 65 percent of all infections are caused by bacteria with this biofilm phenotype, while the National Institutes of Health estimates that number is closer to 80 percent.

The research demonstrated disruption of 'biofilm aggregates', 'accelerated functional wound closure', and blunting of a variety of bacterial processes.

The dressing electrochemically self-generates 1 volt of electricity upon contact with body fluids such as wound fluid or blood, which is not enough to hurt or electrocute the patient.

This type of treatment does not interfere with traditional antibacterial tactics and shows increased effectiveness when used in combination with them. The electroceutical material also has potential application in surgery and hospital fabrics.

Marketing for the dressing for burn care was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Journal Reference:
Kasturi Ganesh Barki, et. al. Electric Field Based Dressing Disrupts Mixed-Species Bacterial Biofilm Infection and Restores Functional Wound Healing. Annals of Surgery, 2019; 269 (4): 756 DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000002504

Previous coverage of biofilm disruption using ionic liquids

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 20 2019, @05:00AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 20 2019, @05:00AM (#845428)

    Did we just figure out how to deal with RDT and EF?