The US government should spend at least $1.25 billion "to invest in Western-based alternatives to Chinese equipment providers Huawei and ZTE," a bipartisan group of six US senators said yesterday.
"Every month that the US does nothing, Huawei stands poised to become the cheapest, fastest, most ubiquitous global provider of 5G, while US and Western companies and workers lose out on market share and jobs," Warner said.
The senators said these funds will help the US win "the race for 5G." The Federal Communications Commission's Republican majority has repeatedly cited the "race to 5G" as justification for eliminating federal rules and preempting municipal regulations that cover deployment of wireless equipment in US cities and towns.
The FCC in November voted unanimously to ban Huawei and ZTE equipment in projects paid for by the FCC's Universal Service Fund (USF), saying the equipment could have backdoors installed at the behest of the Chinese government. This ban affects only future projects and the use of federal funding to maintain existing equipment, but the FCC may also eventually require removal of Huawei and ZTE gear from networks that have already been built.
If the bill passes, recipients of FCC grants for replacing Chinese equipment with new 5G technology would have to submit plans outlining how they will switch to standards-based equipment.
Huawei Denies Receiving Billions in Financial Aid From Chinese Government
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @12:24PM
Why is reading comprehension becoming such a lost art among certain groups in America today?
No, obviously I am not saying everybody is working in manufacturing. What I am saying is that we destroyed these jobs before our nation or economy was actually ready for this to happen. And in fact, I suspect it may be the case that there's never actually a point when you can 'move beyond' manufacturing is essentially the 'skeleton' of any system. And so we simply moved our skeleton over to China. Rolling with the metaphor, the brain industry is healthier than ever, yet the rest of the body has predictably just collapsed.
If you want to create a new rent seeking software service, or a data harvesting company, or some company related to spamming users with ads, then America is, by far, the best place in the world to be. But if you want to create something physical or material then we're no longer an especially desirable destination. There are some exceptions of course - SpaceX is quite a wonderful one. But they are indeed the exceptions. And I think this is not good for our economy. Instead of people engaging in skilled trades, they're left to man a cash register or even worse ask if you'd like fries with that.
This is what I mean in that we did not 'evolve beyond' manufacturing. We simply killed it with rules, and tried to pretend that everything could still work out somehow. Well, it's not working out. And something that's perhaps even worse is that China has not only already taken over the manufacturing industry, but it's now likely to also gradually start taking over the 'brain' industries. Ultimately we 'evolved beyond' manufacturing in the same way that somebody observing Hollywood in recent years might observe that we've 'evolved beyond' good movies. We fucked over a pretty good chunk of our entire nation's labor base, and then called it progress.