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posted by takyon on Monday February 24 2020, @11:42PM   Printer-friendly
from the bare-metal-brain dept.

An optimized structure of memristive device for neuromorphic computing systems:

Lobachevsky University scientists have implemented a new variant of the metal-oxide memristive device, which holds promise for use in RRAM (resistive random access memory) and novel computing systems, including neuromorphic ones.

Variability (lack of reproducibility) of resistive switching parameters is the key challenge on the way to new applications of memristive devices. This variability of parameters in 'metal-oxide-metal' device structures is determined by the stochastic nature of the migration process of the oxygen ion and/or oxygen vacancies responsible for oxidation and reduction of conductive channels (filaments) near the metal/oxide interface. It is also compounded by the degradation of device parameters in case of uncontrolled oxygen exchange.

Traditional approaches to controlling the memristive effect include the use of special electrical field concentrators and the engineering of materials/interfaces in the memristive device structure, which typically require a more complex technological process for fabricating memristive devices.

According to Alexey Mikhaylov, head of the UNN PTRI laboratory, Nizhny Novgorod scientists for the first time used in their work an approach that combines the advantages of materials engineering and self-organization phenomena at the nanoscale. It involves a combination of the materials of electrodes with certain oxygen affinity and different dielectric layers, as well as the self-assembly of metal nanoclusters that serve as electric field concentrators.

[...] "It is important to note that the optimized structure has also been implemented as part of the memristive chip with cross-point and cross-bar devices (device size: 20 μm × 20 μm), which demonstrate robust switching and low variation of resistive states (less than 20%), which opens up the prospect of programming memristive weights in large passive arrays and their application in the hardware implementation of various functional circuits and systems based on memristors. It is expected that the next step towards commercialization of the proposed engineering solutions will consist in integrating the array of memristive devices with the CMOS layer containing peripheral and control circuits," concludes Alexey Mikhaylov.

Multilayer Metal‐Oxide Memristive Device with Stabilized Resistive Switching (open, DOI: 10.1002/admt.201900607) (DX)

New Type of Memristors Used to Create a Limited Neural Net
The Second Coming of Neuromorphic Computing
Reservoir Computing System With Memristors
First Programmable Memristor Computer

Original Submission

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