Barrabas writes:
"From Hackaday:
Jeff Highsmith's son just started school and needed a desk to do homework on. They had recently visited the Kennedy Space Center, and his son found a new interest in all things space, so Jeff make the desk into this mind-boggling control panel.
The video demonstrating the project is quite impressive check it out."
(Score: 1) by zaxus on Tuesday March 04 2014, @02:35AM
Nice! I also have many hardware horror stories, bent pins and broken DIMMS (and SIMMS!) and what not. However, the most embarrassing one is my dad (who was an IBMer and worked with PCs all day long) and I were taking apart a working 386, and I think changing the RAM, which due to the case and the installed cards basically meant disassembling it. So we had parts all over the kitchen table, got the RAM swapped out, and dutifully put it all back together, with no parts left over. We hit the power button...and nothing happens (natch). So we open it back up, check all of our connections, close it back up, and hit it again. Nothing. We're both sitting there scratching our heads, and my mom walks by and says, "is it plugged in?" Yep, you guessed it. The two brain surgeons had unplugged it for safety, and then forgotten to plug it in. Doh!
"I do have a cause, though. It is obscenity...I'm for it." - Tom Lerher