Controversy is nothing new when it comes to systemd. Many people find this new Linux init system to be inherently flawed in most ways, yet it is still gaining traction with major distros like Arch Linux, openSUSE, Fedora, and soon both Ubuntu and Debian GNU/Linux. The adoption of systemd for Debian 8 "Jessie" has been particularly fraught with strife and animosity.
Some have described the systemd adoption process as having been a "coup", while others are vowing to stick with Debian 7 as long as possible before moving to another distro. Others are so upset by what they see as a complete betrayal of the Debian and open source communities that there is serious discussion about forking Debian. Regardless of one's stance toward systemd, it cannot be argued that it has become one of the most divisive and disruptive changes in the long history of the Debian project, threatening to destroy both the project and the community that has built up around it.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 28 2014, @07:56PM
I've been using both GIMP and Debian since the very early days.
You know what? Fuck GIMP. It won't even let me ctrl-s anymore without awkard plugins or stay in its own desktop workspace. I never liked the feel of KDE much, but I'm sure there's an image manipulator tool there which hasn't gone full retard. And it has gotten to the point where I'm willing to give up my years of muscle memory and working knowledge of the program.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 29 2014, @11:51AM
Yeah, the new versions of GIMP are really confusing for me, too. Why do I have to "export" to save as a PNG? Why does "save" only support XCF files? Why doesn't it just let me "save" as PNG, like it used to?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 29 2014, @04:37PM
So you don't accidentally hose all your layer/undo information!
I actually did that on a project years ago. Thankfully it turned out I still have a previous copy in xcf format, but as far as idiot proofing goes, it isn't a bad idea.
On the other hand gtk-3 got me to drop everything gtk/gnome related until my desktops had 3d acceleration. GTK-3 is easily 3x or more slower than gtk 2 on non-composite capable hardware. I have no idea why, or if it has been remedied, but I've stuck to gtk2 or qt apps for everything now. And honestly given QT being under the LGPL for the past 3+ revisions I see no reason to use gtk2 if you're writing a C++ app, and if you're writing a pure c app, there's far far better alternatives than gtk3+glib that are far more likely to provide future compatibility and far fewer compatibility headaches.
(Score: 1) by GeminiDomino on Monday September 29 2014, @04:40PM
Because the developers know better than you what "users" want.
And by "users", they mean "professional users", of course. There are "plenty of alternatives for amateur" use. (Yes, this was actually their excuse).
Nevermind the fact that "professional users" are all using photoshop et al... which behave the same way that the old GIMP used to, wrt saving.
In other words, more of the same self-indulgent wankery by asshole developers who apparently don't understand what a "Use case" is and bring us things like GIMP 2.8+, "Unified interfaces", and everything LP's ever shat out.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of our culture"