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posted by Fnord666 on Friday March 05 2021, @02:08PM   Printer-friendly
[2021-03-07 02:48:19 UTC; UPDATE 2: Windows 10 is finally installed! Well, that is sans product key ATM, but that is manageable. Thanks so very much to everyone who helped out here and on IRC! I still don't know why Windows did not recognize my Samsung 1 TB 860 EVO SATA SSD during the install, so I'm making do with a 750 MB 5400 RPM Western Digital hard disk. That'll have to wait. Next up is to install Turbo Tax and then complete my taxes. I shudder to think of how much longer it would have taken without all of your help! --martyb]

A couple years or so ago, I purchased three (used) Dell Latitude E6410 laptop computers for a song ($25 each). They came with no hard drive, but that was not a problem. I got 1 TB Samsung SSD drives for them and that seems to be fine.

No hard drive also meant no OS was installed. But, they each DID come with their own Microsoft sticker (with a hologram) stating:

Windows(R) 7 Pro for Refurb PCs CIT
for Refurbished PCs
[barcode]   XXX-NNNNN
do not tamper with or remove this label
[barcode]  XNN-NNNNN
"For use on Refurbished PC - No Commercial Value - For Authentication Only"

   X  represents a single letter
   N  represents a single decimal digit

(Also says, vertically, on the edges:)

Certificate of Authenticity


I'd previously downloaded an ISO (and verified the SHA1 and SHA256), but got stuck when trying to do an install; the format of the codes I have do not match the format of what Microsoft was expecting.

The location where I bought the laptops no longer offers computers for sale (it's a Goodwill store). Also, there are no tech-savvy workers at the location.

My primary problem is it is time to prepare my state and federal income taxes. I've used TurboTax for the past 5 years. (Yes, I could probably use their free on-line version today. But! I am not at all interested in having like 20-30 other domains active while I provide extremely personal and private information to fill out my taxes.) So, plan B is to get Windows up and running so I can fill out my taxes locally.

What now?
So, I have 3 never-been-used "codes" for installing Win 7 pro. There was a time when one had to fight to keep Microsoft from trying to upgrade to Windows 10, so I'd like to think there's some way for me to get to Win 10 from here.

So, I turn to my fellow Soylentils. How can I enter these codes? Is it still worthwhile to get 7 installed in hopes I can still upgrade to Windows 10?

Maybe some other approach? What can I do?

[2021-03-05 15:11:27 UTC; UPDATE 1: Currently downloading "Win10_20H2_v2_English_x64.iso" from -- looks like I have 2-2.5 hours left for the download to complete. (Currently at 920 MB of 5.8 GB completed)

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  • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Saturday March 06 2021, @02:46AM

    by Reziac (2489) on Saturday March 06 2021, @02:46AM (#1120660) Homepage

    Ha, yes... if you answer anything but "1" you will be there forever to no result.

    And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2