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Journal by DannyB

Remember that Dominion (voting systems) sued Sidney Powell for $1.3 BILLION? (See first two paragraphs of this journal article.

Concurrently, elsewhere, there is an ongoing dispute because Sidney Powell sued the Michigan governor for (OMG!) stealing the election! (This is the same duly elected governor that a group of domestic terrorists tried to kidnap and murder some months back. With the happy approval of some SN readers.)

In the Michigan case the State AG is now asking the court to sanction Powell for lying. The AG points to Powell's defense in the Dominion lawsuit against her. Powell defends herself from Dominion by saying, pharaphrased: everyone knows I am a lying liar and I go on Fox Noise and lie all the time, and so no reasonable person would have believed any or all of the lies I told.

I guess it's one thing to tell those lies on Fox, and get sued for $1.3 BILLION for doing so. It is another thing to tell those same lies in court.

Sidney Powell's defense in the $1.3 billion Dominion lawsuit may be used against her in Michigan sanctions effort

Sidney Powell’s Admission In Dominion Case Could Haunt Her In Michigan As State AG Makes New Move For Sanctions

These lawsuits all seem to be getting much better traction in court by presenting facts and evidence than the 60+ lawsuits filed by Trump about the election being stolen, which went through the hands of 80 judges, many Republican judges, and many "in Trump's pocket" judges.

The wheels turn slowly when there is something really there to grind on. I'm assuming SN readers might like updates on the progress.


Dominion vs Fox News

Aside, I didn't think it worth mentioning in a journal article at the time, but since we're here, you probably all know there is yet a third lawsuit by a voting machine company. This was the $1.6 BILLION lawsuit by Dominion against Fox News. A direct link to the PDF of the complaint is here. This is 443 pages long. But don't despair! The complaint is only the first 139 pages. Which I have read, back on the day it came out. All the remaining pages are the exhibits supporting the complaint.

Dominion Voting sues Fox for $1.6B over 2020 election claims

Just bury your head in the sand and keep telling yourself the election was stolen.

Your vote is your voice. Democracy doesn't always go the way you would like it. When it doesn't, you don't have permission to try to overthrow the majority to put a minority government in power, and somehow believe that is legitimate -- while calling yourself a patriot. Four years ago democracy didn't go the way the majority of the population wanted -- but nobody tried to overthrow the government, or kidnap and murder state governors or congress members. Even if the court doesn't uphold your zero-evidence based fantasies, doesn't mean the court system is not working properly. Especially when handled by judges of your own party, and some of them appointed by the very person you are trying to forcibly put into power against the majority.

Use the soap box first. If your message is so bad that people don't agree with you at the ballot box, then maybe re-examine the message. That same advice applied to Democrats four years ago.

Conspiracy theories make stupid people feel special to have a secret unique nugget of information.


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