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Journal by fustakrakich

Q: Why do some people condemn critical race theory?
A: Misplaced sexual frustrations.

And speaking of Marx:

Will you run an engine lathe eight unfucking hours a day because the syndicate tells you the people need what the lathe produces? If you will, the people just becomes a new tyrant."


Reply to: Re:Geez, guys....

    (Score: 0, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 13 2021, @02:47PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 13 2021, @02:47PM (#1144805)

    If you're calling it fringe, you must be unaware of the reach of critical race theory. It is being openly advocated by both the political establishment and the vast majority of major corporations. Many educational institutions, from elementary to university, are now indoctrinating children in this worldview. And if you ever take on a governmental or big corporate role, you will likely be required to take "training" that tries to enforce it upon you.

    And if you think it's only conservatives worried here, you should look at the trends in elections. Aside from the anomaly of 2020, which is unlikely to be repeated, Obama 2012 > Obama 2016 > Clinton 2020 in terms of votes gained. And was in spite of the voting age population, ostensibly full of Democratic demographics, increasing by tens of millions. There are a *lot* of people like myself. I am a liberal, but I am actually a liberal. Categorizing people by race and other identity politics, censorship, trying to destroy people's lives for having different political opinions, and trying to make everybody hate each other for the sake of some stupid revolution (that will, as always, never end how those pushing for it might dream) is not liberal behavior. CRT (among other anti-liberal agendas) is what not only pushed me away from the now neo-"liberal" side of our politics, but turned me overtly anti-DNC.

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