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Journal by Azuma Hazuki
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[2021-07-20 | 11:22:29 UTC] You have a message from Bytram: I've said it before, and I believe I even mentioned it in a story, that I would not object posts like this being modded as spam:

So it's official. Anyone spamming contentless bullshit like that? Spam-mod them out of existence. No, you special snowflakes, that's not "censorship" any more than telling someone to clean up after their dog is a violation of their freedom of association.


Reply to: Re:Do it early, but don't do it often

    (Score: 2) by c0lo on Wednesday July 21 2021, @04:44AM

    by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday July 21 2021, @04:44AM (#1158636)

    You either change you tune to allow more sides or cease bringing up how we are fighting a single side - if it's the later, you have the solution at hand.

    Bottom line, the solution will spare me of your droning on the same line - good enough short term purpose for me (grin).

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