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SoylentNews is people

posted by martyb on Wednesday September 29 2021, @03:07AM   Printer-friendly
from the more-like-"Big-Brother"-on-wheets dept.

Amazon’s Astro robot is straight out of The Jetsons:

Amazon is rolling out (literally) a robot that can help monitor your home. Powered by Amazon Alexa and a bunch of artificial intelligence (AI) technology while patrolling about on a set of wheels, the Astro robot can handle numerous tasks, from providing a view of inside the home when you’re out to delivering a message to Mom.

The robot carries the same name as the dog from The Jetsons, but its simple face, rolling mechanism and, of course, advanced tech, make it much more similar to Rosey. Amazon's Astro relies on AI, sensors, computer vision, and voice and edge computing to perform various workloads.

For example, Astro can roll around your home and give you a live view of what it sees. That means you can check on your pet, look out for intruders, or make sure you turned the oven off. Astro is mobile thanks to a technology Amazon has dubbed Intelligent Motion. It uses simultaneous location and mapping (SLAM) to ensure Astro makes its way around without crashing into stuff—even if someone forgot something on the floor that wasn’t there before.

[...] Astro will ultimately be available for $1,449.99. However, there’s a $999.99 introductory price as part of Amazon’s Day 1 Editions early access program, and that includes a six-month trial of Ring Protect Pro. Amazon plans to start inviting participants to buy Astro in the US “later this year.”

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Fnord666 on Wednesday September 29 2021, @04:56AM

    by Fnord666 (652) on Wednesday September 29 2021, @04:56AM (#1182603) Homepage

    Businesses could use robots like these to cut down on the amount of security guards they currently employ.

    Two words. Chopping Mall [].

    Starting Score:    1  point
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    Total Score:   3