"Jaron Lanier talks about his latest book, Who Owns the Future? on the Colbert Report (US TV, Comedy Central channel). Should be viewable on the web shortly at http://www.colbertnation.com/
I met Jaron when he worked for Atari in the early 1980s. I remember him as a brilliant and delightful guy, but perhaps a little (or a lot) too full of himself? He does seem to have been successful as a tech pundit..."
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 05 2014, @04:10PM
In that BBC clip Robert says that people are good at ignoring technology and in example he points out his computerized 'pedometer'. Video ended at this point, but easy counterpoint would be: you as a individual might think that tracking your vitals is fun but insurance companies are very much interested in devices like that to charge you more.