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Journal by DannyB

Gary Indiana.

3 dead, 7 wounded after shooting at block party in Gary

[ . . . . ] Marquise Hall, 26, from Lafayette, Indiana, Ashanti Brown, 20, from Olympia Fields, Illinois, and Laurance Magnum, 25, from Merrillville, Indiana were all pronounced dead on the scene by the Lake County Coroners Office.

Some of the gunshot victims self-transported to area hospitals -- others were transported by ambulance, police said.

Due to the enormity of the scene, mutual aid was requested from surrounding police agencies.

3 dead, 7 wounded after shooting at July Fourth block party in Gary, Indiana, police say

GARY, Ind. – Gunfire during a July Fourth block party in northwestern Indiana left three people dead and seven wounded early Tuesday, police said.

Why does the USA have a problem with gun violence? I wonder why that could be?

Some will deny the problem exists. Others will runaway from the problem. Some will hand wave it away . . . oh, look, a shiny! Maybe we can get Alex Jones to say it is all a hoax and the victims made it all up. (BTW, how's that defamation case going?)

If a state has a well regulated militia it would seem that they would have adequate training, marksmanship and be a mentally stable person before being entrusted with a firearm.

The age of men is over. The time of the Orc has come.


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