Common Dreams reports:
The U.S. government's so-called "pinpoint"(NYT paywall) drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen are, in fact, leaving wide perimeters of death, as people on the Kill List are targeted--and even reported dead--again and again, according to a report published Monday by the UK-based charity Reprieve.
While drone attacks and their victims are kept secret by the U.S. military and government, Reprieve compiled public information available, most of it from media reports and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, to determine who actually died when the U.S. went after individuals in Yemen and Pakistan between November 2002 and November 2014.
The study examines the cases of 41 people included on a Kill List--a classified U.S. assassination program personally approved by President Obama with no judicial or public oversight. According to the report's findings, up to 1,147 unnamed people were killed in pursuit of these 41 known individuals.
Furthermore, each of these 41 men was reported killed multiple times.
"This raises a stark question," states the study. "With each failed attempt to assassinate a man on the Kill List, who filled the body bag in his place?
(Score: 2) by aristarchus on Thursday November 27 2014, @04:59AM
Any foreign policy based on killing children, whether intentionally (which is pure evil), or unintentionally but easily foreseen (collateral evil), will result in the destruction of the state that takes its up. Blowback is a bitch, made worse when your allies realize you have gone insane out of deep paranoia and will no longer back you. Except, of course, the already sociopathic allies like Britain, Italy, Spain, Chile, Yemen, Poland, Saudi Arabia, The Armenian Karadashians, and Croatia. They will back you, if you pay them. Paying people to "overlook" the killing of children. I have no words.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 27 2014, @07:26PM
Don't forget Pakistan. Do you think US bombs areas Pakistan without their consent? Sorry. The leadership of Pakistan may not know the targets in advance, but they agreed with the attacks. They only pretend otherwise, hoping that pretense will be enough to prevent a revolt.