Rovio has confirmed that 110 people will lose their jobs as the Angry Birds maker also shuts down its game-development studio in Tampere. The layoffs, first announced in October, amount to about 14 percent of the company's workforce.
It had been expected that Rovio would make 130 people redundant but after a round of consultations this number has now been reduced. Rovio said that as a result of the redundancies "several positions" have been opened for internal applications. The actual number of employees out of work will depend on how many new internal positions are filled.
(Score: 2) by quacking duck on Saturday December 06 2014, @03:22PM
A little OT, but this is exactly why I respect Bill Watterson so much. He created what many consider the most popular daily comic strip (beating even Peanuts in many of the "top X" lists found by Google), fought for and won the right to break from the formulaic Sunday strip boxes to make them more interesting works of art... and then ended Calvin & Hobbes without ever succumbing to the intense pressure to merchandise it beyond the collection of books. No toys, no TV shows or movies.
Granted it's easier to do when you're a 1-person operation, unlike Rovio which even at the start must have had different people doing the development and the art, but it's still very rare to hear of people maintaining their personal integrity and values in the fact of huge amounts of money being shoved in their face.
(Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Monday December 08 2014, @03:15PM
And I think we as a species must redesign our incentive structure to do that, to reward integrity and socially positive decisions, or we will not last.
Washington DC delenda est.