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posted by Blackmoore on Monday December 08 2014, @09:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the pay-no-attention-to-the-man-behind-the-curtain dept.

I've been hinting around about this for a week or two, so here it is. I circulated this proposal around the staff mailing list before Thanksgiving and got nobody telling me it sucks and to die in a fire, so it falls to you lot to do it if necessary. Let's be clear beforehand though. This is not a complete solution; no meta-mod consideration included for instance. Nor is it a permanent change. What it is is an experiment. Unless you lot are overwhelmingly opposed, we'll run it for a month or two and either keep it, keep parts of it, or trash it entirely based on staff and community feedback. We're not the other site and this isn't Beta; what we as a community want is what's going to happen.

So, here's the deal with the bit that's likely to be most controversial right out front. Bad downmods and mod-bombing both suck hardcore but you can't really get rid of them and still have downmods even with meta-moderation because you still have the same ideologically driven few who think Troll/Flamebait/Overrated means Disagree. To that end, I converted all the downmods to +0 mods and added a proper Disagree +0 mod. They affect neither score of the comment nor karma of the commenter but will show up beside the comment score (and be subject to user adjustment from their comments preferences page) if they hold a majority vote. It'll be entirely possible, for instance, to have a +5 Troll comment and equally possible that the same comment will show as -1 Troll to someone who has Troll set to -6 in their preferences.

Underrated and Overrated are also out. For Underrated, I for one would really like to know why you think it's underrated. For Overrated, it was almost exclusively used as Disagree, which we now have.

Second, everyone who's been registered for a month or more gets five mod points a day. We're not getting enough mods on comments to suit the number of comments; this should have been tweaked a while back but we quite frankly just let it slip through the cracks. Also, the zero-mod system will need the extra points to reliably push comments from +5 insightful to +5 Flamebait if they warrant it. We may end up tweaking this number as necessary to find the right balance during The Experiment.

Third, we're introducing a new Spam mod. As of this writing it's a -1 to comment score and a -10 to the commenter's karma; this may very well change. Sounds easily abused, yeah? Not so much. Every comment with this mod applied to it will have a link out beside the score that any staff with editor or above clearance on the main site (this excludes me by the way) can simply click to undo every aspect of the spam moderation and ban the moderator(s) who said it was from moderating. First time for a month, second time for six months; these also are arbitrary numbers that could easily change. So, what qualifies as spam so you don't inadvertently get mod-banned?

  • Proper spam. Anything whose primary purpose is advertisement.
  • HOSTS/GNAA/etc... type posts. Recurring, useless annoyances we're all familiar with.
  • Posts so offtopic and lacking value to even be a troll that they can't be called anything else. See here for an example.

Caveats about banning aside, if something is really spam, please use the mod. It will make it much, much easier for us to find spam posts and attempt to block the spammers. One SELECT statement period vs one per post level of easier.

Lastly, if I can find it and change it in time for thorough testing on dev, we'll be doing away with mod-then-post in favor of mod-and-post. Without proper downmods, there's really just no point in limiting you on when you can moderate a comment.

Right, that's pretty much it. Flame or agree as the spirit moves you. Suggestions will all be read and considered but getting them debated, coded, and tested before the January release will be a bit tricky for all but the exceedingly simple ones.

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Tuesday December 09 2014, @02:03PM

    by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Tuesday December 09 2014, @02:03PM (#124164) Homepage Journal

    ...then highlight new comments since you last looked would be a good tool to help generate views on comments that were added some time after the article was posted.

    Interesting idea... Not sure how practical it would be to do though. We'd need to store the story id and last seen comment id for each story for each user. Without cluttering everyone's disks with extra cookies, that would mean storing it in the db. Doing it in the db would necessitate a new table that would be possible right now but would quickly grow to insane proportions as more stories were posted and traffic increased. We could probably trim it down and run a slashd job that deleted any entries over a week old but that still could grow out of proportion pretty quickly. If anyone has a better way of doing this that doesn't involve javascript and cookies, I'm all ears.

    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 2) by elf on Tuesday December 09 2014, @03:52PM

    by elf (64) on Tuesday December 09 2014, @03:52PM (#124205)

    Maybe the way to do this would be to have a way to flag you are interested in an article (so you only do this for interested stories) and then to store a date against it (not sure what mechanism would trigger this) and any articles after that date are then coloured or flagged slightly differently. You wouldn't then have to store information on individual comments but you would still get power of notifying the reader of new content. You could also then have a section on the front page to only show favourited articles.

    The article comments are locked after a certain period so clearing these favourite articles at that point seems like a fair compromise.

  • (Score: 2) by bryan on Tuesday December 09 2014, @09:08PM

    by bryan (29) <> on Tuesday December 09 2014, @09:08PM (#124395) Homepage Journal

    Like this []?

    I use a separate table that is basically a uid + sid + date. When you visit a story, the date is updated. Comments are then colored blue or gray so that the new comments easily stand out.