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posted by janrinok on Wednesday July 12 2023, @01:46PM   Printer-friendly

Researchers discover safe, easy, and affordable way to store and retrieve hydrogen:

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) in Japan have discovered a compound that uses a chemical reaction to store ammonia, potentially offering a safer and easier way to store this important chemical.

This discovery, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society on July 10, makes it possible not only to safely and conveniently store ammonia, but also the important hydrogen is [sic] carries. This finding should help lead the way to a decarbonized society with a practical hydrogen economy.

For society to make the switch from carbon-based to hydrogen-based energy, we need a safe way to store and transport hydrogen, which by itself is highly combustible. One way to do this is to store it as part of another molecule and extract it as needed. Ammonia, chemically written as NH3, makes a good hydrogen carrier because three hydrogen atoms are packed into each molecule, with almost 20% of ammonia being hydrogen by weight.

The problem, however, is that ammonia is a highly corrosive gas, making it difficult to store and use. Currently, ammonia is generally stored by liquefying it at temperatures well below freezing in pressure-resistant containers. Porous compounds can also store ammonia at room temperature and pressure, but storage capacity is low, and the ammonia cannot always be retrieved easily.

The new study reports the discovery of a perovskite, a material with a distinctive repetitive crystal structure, which can easily store ammonia and also allows easy and complete retrieval at relatively low temperatures.

The research team led by Masuki Kawamoto at RIKEN CEMS focused on the perovskite ethylammonium lead iodide (EAPbI3), chemically written as CH3CH2NH3PbI3. They found that its one-dimensional columnar structure undergoes a chemical reaction with ammonia at room temperature and pressure, and dynamically transforms into a two-dimensional layered structure called lead iodide hydroxide, or Pb(OH)I.

Journal Reference:
Jyorthana Rajappa Muralidhar, Krishnachary Salikolimi, Kiyohiro Adachi, et al., Chemical Storage of Ammonia through Dynamic Structural Transformation of a Hybrid Perovskite Compound, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c04181

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  • (Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 13 2023, @01:57AM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 13 2023, @01:57AM (#1315837)

    Lots of hydrogen here: [] []

    How to convert them into energy is a problem especially if you want fuel cell(s) that are practical for car use (e.g. not too big and heavy). [] []

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  • (Score: 2) by PinkyGigglebrain on Friday July 14 2023, @03:57AM

    by PinkyGigglebrain (4458) on Friday July 14 2023, @03:57AM (#1316027)

    You don't even need a fuel cell to use Butanhol [] in a ICE car.

    It has an octane range that is close enough to gasoline that the engine doesn't need to be adjusted to use it straight or mixed in any ratio with gasoline and it is Carbon neutral.

    Only thing that might need to be updated about the vehicle's hardware is the fuel lines, if they are susceptible to embritalment caused by the drying effect of alcohols they will need to be replaced with synthetic rubber fuel lines.

    "Beware those who would deny you Knowledge, For in their hearts they dream themselves your Master."
  • (Score: 2) by Username on Friday July 14 2023, @05:53AM

    by Username (4557) on Friday July 14 2023, @05:53AM (#1316035)

    I was just going to point out hydrocarbons are the safest and most efficient way of storing hydrogen.

    Not sure why they need to reinvent the wheel here, they get hydrogen easy enough from the current process.