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  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by janrinok on Thursday November 30 2023, @07:56AM (41 children)

    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday November 30 2023, @07:56AM (#1334706) Journal


    When your arguments are weak you turn again to insults.

    Runaway and other rightwing nutters push lies repeatedly

    So your issue is a political one rather than you wishing to debate and disprove their 'lies'. On this site people can say what they wish in their own journals, providing they are not contravening US law. The site is not responsible for the content of journals, only for those stories that we publish on the Main Pages.

    Now you whine about me not personally calling for an aristarchus ban on a shit comment I never saw?

    I am not whining. I am merely pointing out that, again, you seem to be concentrating on one particular political side rather than debating in good faith.

    Your little tantrum makes it pretty damn clear you are 100% defending runaway and likely are the same person.

    Trying to throw enough mud that you hope some will stick? We are very different people. Yet you have admitted elsewhere that you ran an account pretending to be somebody else. How did that work out for you?

    spats between you and ari that are very weirdly persistent.

    Every post by aristarchus can be moderated as spam. The ban couldn't be any more clear about that.

    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +2  
       Insightful=2, Total=2
    Extra 'Insightful' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   4  
  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 30 2023, @11:19AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 30 2023, @11:19AM (#1334717)

    I think the parent post was putting the emphasis on the "nutter" more than the political orientation. These are insane people, trump supporters. Ian Wood. The Kraken. They guy with all the mules. My Pillow person. And this is not an ad hominem, they are certifiably insane. They need to be quarentined, or at least forced to wear a mask. Certainly not to be given free reign over SN.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 30 2023, @02:18PM (3 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 30 2023, @02:18PM (#1334739)

    More evasion and lies? Shocking. Also, I have called out leftwing calls for violence so you're political angle is just more narrative bending.

    You have problems, and shifting the blame to others does not work forever.

    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 30 2023, @05:22PM (2 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 30 2023, @05:22PM (#1334755)

      Uh oh spam mod abuse! Gonna reverse that bad moderation jan? Of course not, arbiter of moderation only when it suits your own sensibilities. How far the site has fallen, from free speech even at the cost of race baiting domestic terrorism to attempts at censoring criticisms when you yourself engage the troll threads and spread your own lying narrative confusing ACs with each other.

      Interesting after you tried to make the mod banning of another account some sort of point about political bias. Who knew we would long for the days of the abusive shit bird?? At least they strictly held to their shitty ideology, mostly.

      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 02 2023, @11:00AM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 02 2023, @11:00AM (#1334954)

        Spam mods are badges of truth, any more. Wear them with pride. Janrinok has lost, and spam mods are the only weapon of he who has lost the debate. Spam the monkey!@ Spam him hard! Spam the alleged or imagined aristarchus, since they may be telling the truth, and some located Arkie is to be protected.

        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 02 2023, @03:46PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 02 2023, @03:46PM (#1334975)

          The doxxing of runaway was a shit move that I agree deserved punishment.

          However, runaway definitely bragged about his guns and not caring who might know where he lived, so the lesson from doxxing had a little hilarity to it. Typical rightwingers never care about doxxing doctors or leftwing politicians and judges because their privilege insulates them then suddenly they care when things get real. Combined with the free speech ethos used to defend posting of rightwing violence and hatred the ban for doxxing is quite hypocritical. I still support the ban of doxxers and violence promoting turds, but the situation has pulled the curtain back on SN.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 02 2023, @05:22PM (35 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 02 2023, @05:22PM (#1334989)

    You are the one always defending Runaway1956 even his call to murder 50 million "progressives".

    In this thread there was no call to ban or censor Runaway1956 that I just saw reading through, yet you brought that up as a straw man argument. All I am pointing out is that such a pattern of behavior does not match normal site management, even less so for speech you say you find detestable. Why defend against arguments not even made in the thread? Why defend accurate if insulting descriptions of a bigoted liar? Why cry about political bias when the statements made by Runaway1956 are blatantly bigoted and verifiably false?

    Your actions and words are your own, and going above and beyond to defend violent racists against mean words is completely unnecessary and something you do not do for other users. You whine that I am the real problem with the site, why does the truth make problems for you? Why do you engage in lies and character assassination while crying about "personal attacks"?

    Your hypocrisy and willingness to lie, through ignorance or not, are your own doing.

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 04 2023, @07:55AM (34 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 04 2023, @07:55AM (#1335107)

      Um, illegitimate and counter-to-policy spam mod on parent. I did not post that, nor did anyone who could be mistaken for me. This violates stated policy, and appears to be punitive action for criticizing janrinok.


      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 04 2023, @09:01AM (33 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 04 2023, @09:01AM (#1335110)

        Uh-huh. You have spam modded the signed aristarchus, without rescinding the errant spam mod he informed you of. This is bad form, old chap!

        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 04 2023, @02:48PM (32 children)

          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 04 2023, @02:48PM (#1335123) Journal
          Perhaps it wasn't moderated as Spam because it was thought to be aristarchus - maybe somebody thought it was Spam.
          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
          • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 04 2023, @04:04PM (31 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 04 2023, @04:04PM (#1335131)

            Somehow community spam moderation is allowed at user discretion when the editor in chief (lol wtf with the ego stroking) personally enjoys censoring criticisms. Not racism, not terrorism, not personal attacks against liberal users, but pointing out conservative idiocy and admin hypicrisy is too much!

            You've tanked yourself buddy, but please continue blaming your critics. Should have banned AC 100% instead of allowing such nebulous spam moderation. Looks like some community moderations are more equal than others, thanks for confirming you are a cowardly dictator! Hipe more people read this thrrad to see your reaction, though most give you the benefit of the doubt because no one likes the squeaky wheels, but some may retain objectivity.

            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 04 2023, @07:41PM (30 children)

              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday December 04 2023, @07:41PM (#1335148) Journal

              I am NOT the Editor in Chief. It shows how much attention you are paying to the site. I stepped down from that role quite a few months ago.

              I am not on the Governance Committee. I have already formally announced that decision, so I will not be taking part in the new Board.

              I have 2 formal roles on this site, one of which will end when this sites winds down and the new site is created. I am also a basic editor but whether that continues will depend on the policy decisions that the new Board, which will be elected by the community, decides.

              I am not the only person moderating repetitive, off-topic comments as spam when they appear from ACs in various polls and journals. This poll was all about putting men back on the moon - please clarify how your rants against me fit into the topic. If you want things to change you will have to do something to change them, but you seem to be unable to think of anything constructive. If you want me to go all you have to do is step up and volunteer to fill my place. But do it quickly, because when the new site is created you will have to stand for election if you want to fill an administrative post.

              I am not your 'buddy'. Whatever gave you that idea?

              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
              • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @03:12AM (29 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @03:12AM (#1335182)

                Many users have given feedback, most is ignored with a variety of excuses buddy boy.

                • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @06:47AM

                  by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @06:47AM (#1335199)

                  Fuck! janrinok cannot even leave with some decorum. So much for British manners. Runaway salutes you! The rest of us will swat him. With a swatter. It is a Metaphor! But he is still a bigoted asshole.

                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday December 05 2023, @12:16PM (27 children)

                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday December 05 2023, @12:16PM (#1335219) Journal

                  It has not been ignored - but it does not contravene any current rules. I have told you what needs to be done. Write some new rules and put them out for discussion and let the community decide. But that will require you to actually do something rather than just complain about something that you don't like.

                  Define 'many users'. The complaints have, in the vast majority of cases, been from 1 account - Anonymous Coward. That is only 1 person because you have told me that nobody can tell the different ACs apart. You want to have it both ways, which is why your repetitive complaining appears to many others to be Spam.

                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @03:22PM (5 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @03:22PM (#1335237)

                    Funny how you get to decide what is spam. Repetitive lies and threats of violence I consider spam, yet you defend those as free speech. Wear it, own it, you hypocritical defender of fascism. When critics are silenced is the biggest red flag there is.

                    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday December 05 2023, @04:12PM (4 children)

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday December 05 2023, @04:12PM (#1335243) Journal

                      Repetitive lies and threats of violence I consider spam

                      You may consider them Spam - but the site rules don't. If it is written by someone in their journal they are free to express themselves as they wish providing it is not illegal under US law.

                      You want to silence somebody because "you consider it" as necessary - propose a change of rules and let the community decide if they agree with your definitions and demands.

                      Alternatively, just leave. I'm sure that you will find another site somewhere and, in time, you will forget about Runaway1956 and will recover them the grief that he is apparently causing you. Or just stop reading his journals....

                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @05:21PM (3 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @05:21PM (#1335256)

                        Exactly, yet you allow criticisms of the SN site and some of its users to be modded spam. Are you really this thick? Are you perhaps a poorly trained GPT BOT? Last I heard criticizing institutions was the beadrock of free speech. Which moderations you allow and which you decide are mod abuse says everything that needs to be said about Soylent News. It is very simple.

                        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday December 05 2023, @08:38PM (2 children)

                          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday December 05 2023, @08:38PM (#1335280) Journal

                          I take it you will be leaving then.....

                          Exactly, yet you allow criticisms of the SN site and some of its users to be modded spam.

                          If they are off-topic in the place that the criticisms are being raised, if they are repetitive, and if they contribute nothing to the topic under discussion, then I think it is reasonable for people to judge them as being spam.

                          You have made you point. You don't like it. I have told you how to change it. You seem to be incapable of doing that. Nothing will change simply because you object to it. Write some new rules and let the community decide. I cannot make it any easier for you to understand. Whinging is NOT going the change the rules that are currently in force.

                          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                          • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @09:14PM

                            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @09:14PM (#1335286)

                            How about a poll where such community input will not be off-topic, then?

                            Proposed Poll:

                            WTF is wrong with SoylenyNews?

                            • Bored of Directors
                            • Banning of aristarchus
                            • Woke SJW Groomers
                            • All the damn Spam mods
                            • Lack of honesty, transparency, and integrity
                            • Other (specify in comments)
                          • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @09:58PM

                            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @09:58PM (#1335292)

                            The rules are violated with impunity and you are the judge allowing abuse. I have no hope of you changing, but I feel the community should be aware of how shitty you truly are. You have had a hundred opportunities to be less shitty, yet you continue to engage threads you don't like so you can spam mod more TOR addresses. You are pathetic and it is my easure to highlight your lies and hypocrisy. I used to think you were reasonable and just having to handle the real spammers, then you revealed you knew about sock puppeters for a long time and let them continue even as hemocyanin worked overtime to prove their existence. You allow moderation abuse based on your personal feelings, you track users carefully, and you make false statements. When called out for moderation abuse you fall back on "that is illegal" or "that opinion is spam" when neither are true, while allowing bigotry (filth by site rules) and threats of violence as free speech.

                            You are a broken human being purveying rightwing bigotry and hate no matter how many times you say otherwise. If one person is allowed to threaten genocide surely SN can handle critics calling out luars and nazis, but nope, not on jan's watch! No more excusing your shitty behavior, you drew the lines yourself.

                  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @08:19PM (20 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 05 2023, @08:19PM (#1335275)

                    Funny, repetitive spam modding and defense of Runaway I consider to be spam! Who'd've thought? Not surprising, janrinok is just continues the staff practice of labelling community input they do not like as "spam". TMB used to do this a lot. Makes things so much simpler. Makes the trains run on time. Only janrinok can fix this. What do you call a website fascist?

                    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 06 2023, @05:19PM (17 children)

                      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 06 2023, @05:19PM (#1335394)

                      Content removal! Here I thought removing content was not possible due to rehash crashing the database. Turns out it was just another lie, SN admins reserve the right to employ actual censorship which also makes the accusation of doxxing seem flimsy since janrinok said the info is still in the database if you know where to look. Why not remove such data like they are doing right now?

                      Turtles all the way down

                      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday December 06 2023, @06:53PM (16 children)

                        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday December 06 2023, @06:53PM (#1335402) Journal

                        We have been removing images posted in journals for several months. We removed the APK spam about a year ago. The problem with deletions causing crashes was resolved a long time ago. Everybody is well aware of this. You are just stirring the pot. Again.

                        There is information still in the database - you are welcome to look for it if you wish.

                        I thought that you were leaving - what is holding you back?

                        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 06 2023, @08:16PM (15 children)

                          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 06 2023, @08:16PM (#1335424)

                          "I take it you will be leaving then....."

                          "I thought that you were leaving - what is holding you back?"

                          Looks like your favorite passive agressive tactics. I'm happy to see you more and more demonstrate publicly your lack of transparency and community hostility. At least you still have the hard core alt righters backing you up. You allowed sock puppets to use moderation as narrative controls and now you allow abuse to try and ban tor users. The best part is instead of marking the beginning of this thread as flamebait or offtopic you decided to defend accurate descriptions of runaway then tried to justify your the abusive spam mods. Funny how your unwanted lying accusations never get modded as spam no matter how many times you post them. Real do as I say not as I do vibes.

                          You still suck ass.

                          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 07 2023, @07:48AM (14 children)

                            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday December 07 2023, @07:48AM (#1335482) Journal

                            You allowed sock puppets to use moderation as narrative controls.

                            The truth is quite the opposite. Since 2021 we have removed over 800 sock puppet accounts from the full spectrum of different views and opinions. I was not an Admin before 2021 so I cannot be blamed for whatever went before that time.

                            ban tor users.

                            I have no wish to ban the use of TOR. This is entirely in your imagination. I do not know which connections are via TOR or by VPN unless you tell me, nor do I care. They can be used anywhere on the site. There is a slightly modified procedure for creating new accounts if you use secure email but that is to prevent the creation of new sock puppet accounts. Nevertheless, new genuine accounts are created regularly using secure email addresses. All that is required is that you contact the administration by email - by secure email is perfectly acceptable.

                            How you connect to the site and from where is of no interest to me. Stopping spam abuse in discussions on the site is, however, part of my remit.

                            community hostility.

                            Go look at all of the front page stories. Show me where moderation is being used unfairly, or where anyone is trying to control the narrative. The problem is those who abuse other people's journals or Polls to have off-topic rants or ignore the site's pollcies despite the fact that they have personally chosen to be ACs which restricts their access to the site.

                            I surmise that ari prefers the use of VPNs but that you are a TOR user - based entirely on what both of you have written in your comments.

                            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 07 2023, @10:25AM (12 children)

                              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 07 2023, @10:25AM (#1335486)

                              if you use secure email but that is to prevent the creation of new sock puppet accounts. Nevertheless, new genuine accounts are created regularly using secure email addresses.

                              WTF is a "secure email address"? One with a phone number and billing address attached to it? No one is fooled by your attempts to turn SN into a MI6 honeypot, janrinok. You are banning all new users who wish to not be doxxed.

                              • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 07 2023, @10:45AM (10 children)

                                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday December 07 2023, @10:45AM (#1335489) Journal

                                Which new users have been banned?

                                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 07 2023, @08:15PM (9 children)

                                  by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 07 2023, @08:15PM (#1335586)

                                  Nearly all of them? Did you not say more than 20,000? There never will be a SoylentNews effect.

                                  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 07 2023, @09:15PM (8 children)

                                    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday December 07 2023, @09:15PM (#1335596) Journal

                                    You are referring to the fake accounts - not sock puppets. All the fake accounts are active but have no real user. See, you don't know what you are talking about so you just spout lies.

                                    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 08 2023, @01:11AM (7 children)

                                      by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 08 2023, @01:11AM (#1335632)

                                      Few months ago I tried creating an account, had to try a few email providers before one finally worked. When logging in it sort of worked but I could not post or up/down vote anything. Next time I tried it said account was disabled, thanks for explaining in this thread.

                                      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday December 08 2023, @06:56AM (2 children)

                                        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Friday December 08 2023, @06:56AM (#1335673) Journal

                                        I tried creating an account,

                                        What account name did you use? Which account do you expect us to investigate?

                                        When logging in it sort of worked but I could not post or up/down vote anything.

                                        Did you report that bug. You could either log in or you couldn't - what does 'it sort of worked' mean? Where did you try to post? Journals can restrict who can post in them. What error messages did you see? Did you receive any emails? If you did, did you respond to them?

                                        If you help us we can help you but, as it stands, this is simply a comment by an AC who has provided no evidence at all that he/she ever successfully created an account.

                                        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 09 2023, @07:05AM

                                          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 09 2023, @07:05AM (#1335884)

                                          janrinok is the bug. He is the authoritarian of SoylentNews, and will brook no criticism, or attacks on Nazis, Racists, Mass Murders, Coupon Clippers, Pedophiles, jmorris, or Runaway1956. We need to fix this bug. Purge the janrinok, to save SN. Quickly.

                                        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 09 2023, @11:51PM

                                          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 09 2023, @11:51PM (#1335966)

                                          as it stands, this is simply a comment by an AC who has provided no evidence at all that he/she ever successfully created an account.

                                          You answer your own questions with such an attitude. Simple account creation should not be difficult, and dealing with hostile admins is a big red flag.

                                      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 11 2023, @09:28PM (3 children)

                                        by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 11 2023, @09:28PM (#1336172)

                                        I tried creating a new account a while ago, too. The admin answering emails kept shouting, "You're aristarchus! I know you are! Access denied!" Strange fellow, rather obsessed. One star, would not attempt to subscribe again.

                                        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 14 2023, @05:33AM (2 children)

                                          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 14 2023, @05:33AM (#1336442)

                                          Similiar experience have I. And, I am not even aristarchus! That guy really has them all spooked, don't he?

                                          • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 18 2023, @05:39AM (1 child)

                                            by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 18 2023, @05:39AM (#1336871)

                                            Doctor's orders, jan. They may be in French, but you need to step back from the SN wars, and just admit that aristarchus has won. It will be much better for you, health-wise, and really not give the craven Greek philosopher any advantage. Your interventions have only served to heighten the drama, and drive away all but the most right-wing idiots. VLM, and Dadafoody, swarth in the mire you have left. Please, seek a dignified end, Janrinok. Repudiate the deplorables. It is the least you can do.

                                            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2023, @05:03AM

                                              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2023, @05:03AM (#1337164)

                                              I hope janrinok follows his doctor's orders, and detaches himself from the Brexit and MAGA crowd. Would be a shame if he kicked the bucket in a plexiconorum of hatred against non-white Britains. Peace, janrinok.

                              • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 07 2023, @03:45PM

                                by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 07 2023, @03:45PM (#1335547)

                                Maybe you should not feed the troll thread then? I know, personal responsibility, your kryptonite! Also stop defending the deplorable murderous conservatives, we already know you have a soft spot for their lies and will only allow spam mods against the offtopic rants you don't like. You can stop defending them every time someone calls them stupid.

                            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 18 2023, @06:38AM

                              by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 18 2023, @06:38AM (#1336877)

                              I surmise that ari prefers the use of VPNs but that you are a TOR user - based entirely on what both of you have written in your comments.

                              Once again, janrinok surmises incorrectly. Makes one wonder how often this occurs? Aristarchus appears to be everywhere, and SN has no ability to ban him, so the attempted censorship has failed? Oh, go ahead and spam mod my speculation, like that will help anything. Janrinok has no idea about the efficacy of his policies, other than it is killing SoylentNews. Kind of like chemotherapy, no?

                    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2023, @05:18AM

                      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 20 2023, @05:18AM (#1337167)

                      Can I have another "Spam" mod, please? Put it right here, where janrinok "touched" me, the last time.