Update: The staff is in conversation with the buyer right now. More to follow, but at this point it looks to be a benevolent benefactor from the community. More to follow as we get it.
SoylentNews community:
As you know, there is not a lot of information available right now. Barrabas reports that he has sold the Soylentnews.org and associated domain names, and successfully transferred them, but neither the buyer's name nor the terms of that sale have been disclosed. As spokesperson for the staff of the site during this time, we would like everyone to know the following:
Our current backup plan is to revert to the li694-22.members.linode.com where the site is actually hosted. If we need to go there for any reason, we will try to notify the site in advance. If it has to go down or we are forced down, we'll be there. We will rebuild the database with some downtime and work from there.
We will send out a mass email to all users from the database informing them of this step should we need to do so.
We do not plan to implement this yet. We (the staff) did not advocate the buyout, but will try and work with the buyer if possible. We do not know the terms on which the domain name was sold.
We the staff will still operate the site, in its current condition on linode, until the community can vote on a new name. Depending on the buyer, we hope we can consider keeping the name the same as an option.
Until we know more information, we would like everyone to remain calm, collected, and civil, while we sort through these issues. Thank you
(Score: 1) by bryan on Monday March 10 2014, @10:45PM
I've offered fuckbeta.org if they want it. But I admit it may border a bit on being NSFW due to the bad word.
(Score: 1) by tibman on Monday March 10 2014, @10:51PM
Pretty sure there is nothing to stop you from pointing that domain to their server anyways : ) Or heck, even back to the old site.
SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
(Score: 2, Funny) by dast on Monday March 10 2014, @10:59PM
There, I wrote it. Are things better now? ;)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 11 2014, @09:24AM
Yes, they are, you moron. :)