xyzzyyzzyx writes:
"Avantslash is touting a user hosted perl script that, if paired with any web browser with JavaScript, promises to shave crucial bytes off of the standard Slash-based experience, one of which is our very own SoylentNews. Audiences include those with very limited bandwidth, such as those in developing countries with only 2G mobile access or dialup."
(Score: 5, Informative) by everdred on Thursday March 13 2014, @12:12AM
You can play with it here: []
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 13 2014, @12:39AM
I actually like your comment layouts better than the SoylentNews version. It lets you see more postings by default instead of having to click the links to view each of them. Pick this format up SoylentNews!!!!!
(Score: 3, Informative) by everdred on Thursday March 13 2014, @12:49AM
(Score: 2) by Reziac on Thursday March 13 2014, @03:20AM
Nice to have if the need arises, thanks!
And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
(Score: 3, Informative) by drgibbon on Thursday March 13 2014, @05:53AM
It already exists. Just register an account and change your display mode setting [] to "Nested". But yeah, I think nested would be a better default.
Certified Soylent Fresh!
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 13 2014, @09:36PM
I always use nested too (and browse at -1 for what it's worth).
(Score: 1) by Yog-Yogguth on Friday March 14 2014, @08:10AM
Same here, it's the only true way :)
Bite harder Ouroboros, bite! linux USB CD secure desktop IRC *crypt tor (not endorsements (XKeyScore))
(Score: 2) by Nerdfest on Thursday March 13 2014, @12:48AM
Thanks, it's quite nice.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Ken_g6 on Thursday March 13 2014, @12:51AM
Hm, haven't I seen this before? A site that leaves a huge blank space at the side of the screen? Either shows full comments or hides them completely, but doesn't show comment headlines?
Fsck Soylent Beta!
(Score: 1) by zafiro17 on Thursday March 13 2014, @12:21PM
Many, many thanks! I hope you leave the site up - it's very useful. I happen to like the layout better than I do the original, and I'm hugely grateful for the savings in bandwidth. This is going to be the first page I visit, and I'll go to Soy directly if I need to comment.
Dad always thought laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis - Jack Handey