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SoylentNews is people

posted by LaminatorX on Friday March 14 2014, @01:35PM   Printer-friendly
from the blather-rinse-repeat dept.

Fluffeh writes:

"In a written statement to a House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on the DMCA takedown system, RIAA CEO Cary Sherman informed lawmakers about the ongoing struggle against online piracy. 'All those links to infringing music files that were automatically repopulated by each pirate site after today's takedown will be re-indexed and appear in search results tomorrow. Every day we have to send new notices to take down the very same links to illegal content we took down the day before. It's like Groundhog Day for takedowns,' Sherman says.

Google, however, clearly disagrees with the RIAA, Katherine Oyama, Google's Senior Copyright Policy Counsel said 'The best way to battle piracy is with better, more convenient, legitimate alternatives to piracy, as services ranging from Netflix to Spotify to iTunes have demonstrated. The right combination of price, convenience, and inventory will do far more to reduce piracy than enforcement can.'"

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  • (Score: 1) by Nobuddy on Saturday March 15 2014, @02:40AM

    by Nobuddy (1626) on Saturday March 15 2014, @02:40AM (#16728)

    If I buy a game that is not Steam native, I immediately download the cracked version because I know it will run better. In some cases, it will run at all... I had zero to shit internet while I was contracting in Afghanistan. Always-online game were a bane to me (Batman Arkham games for Windows Live, anyone?). Even though I paid for them I had to run the pirated version to reliably use them. And they ran a hell of a lot smoother to boot.

    Sneakernet piracy - have family download the files, put them on a USB stick and mail them to me. A 1Gb download took a week or more over there. i wished for dialup speeds, and DSL speeds were a pipe dream.