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posted by cmn32480 on Wednesday April 01 2015, @09:56PM   Printer-friendly
from the Germans-Love-David-Hasselhoff dept.
David Hasselhoff, the 80's and 90's TV star that we all know and love from such exceptionally written shows as Knight Rider and Baywatch has, in recent years, made the move to a very lucrative singing career.

"The Hoff" as he is known to his die hard fan, has most recently performed a medley of his favorite songs on American Idol.
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  • (Score: 2) by NotSanguine on Wednesday April 01 2015, @11:44PM

    The constant fake news stories have been complete and utter junk though. Seriously guys it was old sometime around noon. I beg you guys. Please, please, please never do the fake story thing again. Sure one really good one can be fun but this is ridiculous.

    I assure you that every story (except the gerbil story) is a real story reported by real news sites. We may have had a little fun with the stories, but every one of them was based on an actual news report.

    We did try to find offbeat and downright silly stuff, but all of them (except the gerbil story) were vetted ahead of time by multiple editors.

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    Total Score:   2