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posted by cmn32480 on Monday April 06 2015, @10:47AM   Printer-friendly
from the hypocrisy-knows-no-bounds dept.

David Knowles reports at Bloomberg that former Hewlett-Packard CEO and potential 2016 presidential candidate Carly Fiorina called out Apple CEO Tim Cook as a hypocrite for criticizing Indiana and Arkansas over their Religious Freedom Restoration Acts while at the same time doing business in countries where gay rights are non-existent. “When Tim Cook is upset about all the places that he does business because of the way they treat gays and women, he needs to withdraw from 90% of the markets that he’s in, including China and Saudi Arabia,” Fiorina said. “But I don’t hear him being upset about that.”

In similar criticism of Hillary Clinton on the Fox News program Hannity, Fiorina argued that Clinton's advocacy on behalf of women was tarnished by donations made to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments where women's rights are not on par with those in America. ""I must say as a woman, I find it offensive that Hillary Clinton travels the Silicon Valley, a place where I worked for a long time, and lectures Silicon Valley companies on women's rights in technology, and yet sees nothing wrong with taking money from the Algerian government, which really denies women the most basic human rights. This is called, Sean, hypocrisy." While Hillary Clinton hasn't directly addressed Fiorina's criticisms, her husband has. “You’ve got to decide, when you do this work, whether it will do more good than harm if someone helps you from another country,” former president Bill Clinton said in March. “And I believe we have done a lot more good than harm. And I believe this is a good thing.”

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  • (Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Monday April 06 2015, @07:08PM

    by Grishnakh (2831) on Monday April 06 2015, @07:08PM (#167100)

    I don't need to talk to any Muslims. Their religion (as well as Christianity) requires you to believe something with no evidence for it whatsoever. That's the very definition of irrational. How this relates to Fox News I have no idea.

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  • (Score: 2) by tathra on Monday April 06 2015, @07:20PM

    by tathra (3367) on Monday April 06 2015, @07:20PM (#167110)

    except somehow you still felt the need to single out islam specifically. so do tell, what is it specifically that makes it especially irrational, moreso than any other religion?

    my generalization may have been wrong in your specific case, but people who single out islam for hatemongering typically have a single, favorite tv channel that they worship like The Gospel Straight from the Mouth of White Jesus...

    • (Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Tuesday April 07 2015, @12:29AM

      by Grishnakh (2831) on Tuesday April 07 2015, @12:29AM (#167267)

      Islam gets singled out precisely because it has so many violent followers. When was the last time organized Christians did anything violent at all, solely for religious reasons? I don't mean some single wacko, I mean organized groups of them. They don't exist. They spew anti-gay bile here in the US, sure, but I don't see them ganging up and decapitating anyone. Christianity used to have some of this, back before the Enlightenment, but that was centuries ago. The Muslims now act like Christians did before the year 1500. So why are we trying to act like they're anything other than backwards? We have enough problems with our stupid Christians fighting against women's rights, gay rights, basic science and reason, so why are we welcoming people who are centuries behind even those dumb Christians?

      • (Score: 2) by tathra on Tuesday April 07 2015, @07:40PM

        by tathra (3367) on Tuesday April 07 2015, @07:40PM (#167565)

        I don't mean some single wacko, I mean organized groups of them. They don't exist.

        bullshit. other posts have already pointed out threats [] and mass murder [] and multiple christian [] terrorist groups, [] stuff that is still going on to this day.

        defining an entire religion based on a few small extremists groups is pure sophistry. stop with the hatemongering and work to spread facts instead.

        • (Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Tuesday April 07 2015, @11:45PM

          by Grishnakh (2831) on Tuesday April 07 2015, @11:45PM (#167641)

          A few small extremists? ISIS has tens of thousands of supporters, and controls more territory than Belgium. And plenty of polls show that most Muslims support Sharia Law.

          • (Score: 2) by tathra on Wednesday April 08 2015, @12:02AM

            by tathra (3367) on Wednesday April 08 2015, @12:02AM (#167645)

            and there's 1.6 billion muslims [] in the world. a couple tens of thousands is a tiny fraction. pidgeonholing 1.6 billion people based on the actions of less than 0.000013% of the group is irrational hatemongering.

            there's plenty of backwards-ass, irrational, denialist, hatemongering, totalitarian, fascist christians too, you just live in a country where there's a vested interest [] in hiding that as best as possible.

      • (Score: 2) by aristarchus on Wednesday April 08 2015, @06:29AM

        by aristarchus (2645) on Wednesday April 08 2015, @06:29AM (#167757) Journal

        I don't mean some single wacko,

        Let me fix this for you:

        I don't mean some single Waco,

        Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Alec, the question is: "What is the Branch Davidian?"

        Only the top of the pile of Christian Crazy, trust me.