At work in the mid 90s, we always used to have a company social at 5pm on Fridays, so work tended to wind down a little before that. The nerdy crowd instigated a web search competition to fill the final half hour - someone, ususally the winner of the previous round, would name a concept, and the winner was the first person to find an image of that on the internet. I won almost every week I participated, and I used Hotbot as my search engine of choice. Nowadays that sounds trivial, unless you name pretty bizarre things, but back in those days it was pretty challenging - some weeks went without a winner.
-- Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 2) by hamsterdan on Wednesday April 08 2015, @11:15PM
Hotbot was one of the first search engines I've used.
(Score: 2) by coolgopher on Thursday April 09 2015, @04:38AM
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Thursday April 09 2015, @09:43AM
At work in the mid 90s, we always used to have a company social at 5pm on Fridays, so work tended to wind down a little before that. The nerdy crowd instigated a web search competition to fill the final half hour - someone, ususally the winner of the previous round, would name a concept, and the winner was the first person to find an image of that on the internet. I won almost every week I participated, and I used Hotbot as my search engine of choice. Nowadays that sounds trivial, unless you name pretty bizarre things, but back in those days it was pretty challenging - some weeks went without a winner.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves