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SoylentNews is people

posted by janrinok on Tuesday March 18 2014, @08:06PM   Printer-friendly
from the I-was-wondering-what-to-do-next dept.

Anonymous Coward writes:

"2048, the most addictive game since Tetris, was recently released. Its origin has been traced back as far as Threes!, which inspired 1024, which inspired 2048. Finally, an improved version, with animations, was written by Gabriele Cirulli, 19 year old from Italy.

The game has enthralled many, and led directly to the waste of countless potentially productive hours. A variety of permutations have since surfaced: 2048 in 3D, 2048 in 4D, and 9007199254740992.

Some ask why it's so addictive. I say, it attacks our pleasure centers in ways that Wesley Crusher already warned us about."

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  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by bucc5062 on Tuesday March 18 2014, @08:33PM

    by bucc5062 (699) on Tuesday March 18 2014, @08:33PM (#18227)

    Wow, dude, where's all the negative energy coming from. Like chill and just play the game. it is really cool, I mean addictive man.

    In one way I don't see the complaint. There are links to other games, there is no payment required and the game, while not so addictive (yet) is fun to play (okay I played it just once, but it kept my interest). I don't mind having SN articles be fun, humorous; light shall we say mixed in with the mind bending stuff (still trying to grok gravity waves) or the economic trolling from Bill Gates.

    Back in the old country we use to say, you don't have to read the summary, the links or the comments. For some it is "Nothing to see here, move along". Chill bra /grin

    In my first playing I could not figure out the end game (d'oh) till the end when it became clear...2048. Here's my geek card (sigh)

    The more things change, the more they look the same
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   0  
       Interesting=1, Overrated=1, Total=2
    Extra 'Interesting' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 1) by SleazyRidr on Tuesday March 18 2014, @08:59PM

    by SleazyRidr (882) on Tuesday March 18 2014, @08:59PM (#18239)

    I guess we don't need every article to be something ground breaking, but there are things like this happening every day. This is really just a slight change to an old game. They come about every 20 minutes or so.

  • (Score: 1) by ticho on Tuesday March 18 2014, @09:35PM

    by ticho (89) on Tuesday March 18 2014, @09:35PM (#18254) Homepage Journal

    As soon as the RSS feed will contain something more than just a bare link to the article, you will have a point. Until then, it can be hard to decide whether an article is worth reading.