elias writes:
"A very public and sometimes acrimonious dispute in the Debian ecosystem about upstart versus systemd has been settled in favour of systemd. Some go as far as to brand it a new era after the Linux civil war [Beware popups].
We also had an asksoylentnews question on what the fuzz was all about. But what can upstart contribute to systemd now the war is over, or will it simply be a technology that we remember fondly, but do not see any more in a few years time?"
(Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Wednesday March 19 2014, @04:12PM
I compared with Windows because more people are familiar with it than with something like Solaris.
And yes, Windows logging sucks. I never said Windows was a gold standard in anything.
Windows has a habit of taking really good ideas, and completely screwing them up with terrible implementations. Their service manager is an example of this I think. Unlike sysvinit, it'll actually tell you the current state of services (try kill -9ing mysql and seeing if sysvinit notices). But of course, the general way it's implemented sucks for many different reasons.